
I think it’s justified to feel angry that people keep saying “but she’s only six!” as though that means you can’t have a conversation about racism or how it affects people in their daily lives. Do you talk to a six year old about police shooting unarmed black men? Maybe not. But it doesn’t mean that you sit on your

You can dismiss me all you want. I won’t apologize for seeing warning signs of a kid who is not being protected and calling it out. Your own statements strongly insinuate that you have inculcated in your 6 year old the belief that nothing bad will ever happen to her and have thus failed to teach her to avoid or deal

Yep. I was thinking about what I’d do if I had kid now, but I’d probably tell them about the world, and the fact that some are not treated equal.

I didn’t think you were consciously boasting about your privilege, but merely noting that that’s how it can come across.

Because you have just had an age-appropriate conversation that explains that not all police officers are good people who do good things.

I was half sarcastic, I’ve inferred from your posts she is rather young.

Don’t underplay your power. To quote the old (ha!) phrase, “On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.” You’re on a community now, fighting fights literally as we figuratively speak. Maybe one person reads it and goes, “Huh... I hadn’t thought of that.” Your actions influence others, even if they’re virtual

Personally, what I often find off-putting about white people (and other privileged groups) “acknowledging their privilege” by saying things like “it is nice to have that privilege” is that it ends up coming across as a humblebrag that accomplishes little besides flaunting said privilege in the face of those who don’t

As a parent, it fucking concerns me that you have not had a conversation with your daughter about “tricky people” and that they can come in any form-even wearing uniforms. Or especially wearing uniforms.

This place cultivates white fragility like it’s some kind of flower.

Friend of mine just had to explain to his *four-year-old* why the policeman yelled at them to “keep fucking moving!” when the kid tried to wave hi.

I genuinely don’t care whether you believe me or not. I’m pretty sure there is no combination of words that will make you believe me. You want to think you’re doing all you can to fight the good fight. Most people do. We all want to think we’re doing good things in the world to make a better future for our kids.

I have a 6 year old, and I’m surprised you’ve been able to avoid talking about this stuff. Even just listening to the radio brings up these kinds of questions. Or talking about who MLK Jr was and why he was important., or listening to any of the President’s speeches. Your kid can understand more than you give her

Meh. I have three sons and they all get age-appropriate versions of the speech.

I tell it to the ones in the street too. I have fairly consistently for the last three or so years. I just don’t see that many cops in my day to day life because - once again, the make the point clear - I’m a white privileged person. I can’t in good conscious hide behind my privilege any longer.

“Because having an age appropriate discussion with them is “traumatizing.”

Indeed. And then they wonder why people are pissed. I have no patience for that shit anymore. I can’t do it do it. It’s like banging your head against the wall. The wall doesn’t suffer just you.

I do. I get away with it because I’m a nerdy, middle-aged white guy, which is almost as privileged as it gets. Hell, I have half a dozen cops in my family. I tell that to their face. It makes Thanksgiving awkward. But it has to happen. We can’t let more innocents be murdered in our streets because we white people

Coming from a family of lawyers *and law officers* there’s one constant I’ve been told repeatedly over the years:

It’s not retribution, it’s what’s needed.