
The show's trailer lost me when they showed Kate's character. I'm fat too and what in the good lords name would she keep a fucking cake that she doesn't want to eat in her fridge for her birthday? EYEROLL. Do better.

Wikepedia hasn’t discovered it for us yet? Wikepedia hasn’t discovered it for us yet?!? Wikipedia hasn’t discovered it for us yet. The people behind this show, do they know what Wikipedia is? I would have changed the channel the moment after reading that.

Maybe a more concrete example would help you.

Cultural appropriation is when a dominant group takes something (clothing, hairstyle, food, spiritual practice, etc) from a non-dominant group, removes the context, and uses it for their own purposes. There is often also an effort to prevent the non-dominant group from accessing the same cultural thing, whether by

Me, too! When Obama was running against McCain I thought “if he isn’t elected it is because this country is still too racist.”

I don’t know. Millenials have lived their entire lives immersed in anti-Hillary GOP propaganda, then Bernie got angry and repackaged it and idk we might just be fucked.

No one but Bernie supporters ever said anything about “her turn,” Bernie would be getting murdered by Trump because he’s an avowed socialist and while it won’t be a landslide (nothing will be again; the country is too polarized and roughly 45% of the population on each side would vote for a used diaper if it had a

I’m sorry, but if you want a viable 3rd party candidacy you’re going to need to do better than Johnson or Stein. I mean, come on.

I think in most cases you’re right. Up here in Canada, we have a similar problem: the race always comes down to the Liberals or the Conservatives, and the way the electoral system is structured, other parties can’t really get a foothold (we’re working on electoral reform that should eliminate the obstacle caused by

But at the same time, isn’t it bad for democracy to want to stifle these people?

Well, voting third party so you can remain morally pure which is effectively the same as casting a vote for Trump/Pence/GOP will definitely ensure that will happen.

Look up a guy at Harvard named B.C. Burden. He did the definitive analysis of the 2000 election and determined, mathematically, that YES, Nader swung that election. I'll take the word of a Harvard statistician over an internet commentator, but that's just me.

Also, we don’t live in a democracy.

Ask us Nader voters how that worked out. Better yet, ask everyone. Including the maimed and wounded from Bush’s wars or the families of the dead. Nevermind, it’s all about you.

A vote for a 3rd party is a vote for Trump. You think any of the Republicans are going to vote 3rd party because he’s burning their party down around them? Nope. They’re gonna fall in line, and they’re gonna put Trump in the White House, because people like you who could have stopped them threw your votes away.

You are forgetting/not aware that Samantha Bee is Canadian. Canadians have been voting strategically for ages, even though we do not have a two party system. That’s because we are well aware of vote spliting in the real world. How else do you think we got stuck with Stephen Harper so long? And how we finally got

Al Gore lost New Hampshire, Ohio, Nevada, Florida, and Missouri by less than 5%. Guess what percent of the electorate voted for Ralph Nader in those states?

Then actually fight for change. Stepping into a voting booth and not voting for one of the only two people who have any chance of becoming president isn’t fighting for change. Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump is going to be the next President, period. Voting for Hillary Clinton is not mutually exclusive to fighting for