I’m just a little touchy about pretty much every asian thing kind of collapsing into a black hole of “geisha” for no reason —but since you can support your opinion, I guess we can agree to disagree instead of being mortal enemies ;)
I’m just a little touchy about pretty much every asian thing kind of collapsing into a black hole of “geisha” for no reason —but since you can support your opinion, I guess we can agree to disagree instead of being mortal enemies ;)
Everybody from New York on my Twitter feed has been complaining about the weather for the past couple days. Perhaps we should trust the observations of people who were actually there rather than trying to armchair-gauge a temperature halfway across the country from us?
Well, in this election no official has come straight out and said she’s wearing body armor, because duh. But there are lots of clues that she is:
That really bugs me. It’s like when people think that introverts really just need help coming out of their shell instead of recognizing that they might be perfectly happy just being left alone. Introverts are not required to cater to extrovert whims, and being in close proximity to me doesn’t mean I automatically owe…
“Lily-Rose is my goddaughter and I was there when [his son] Jack was born, so we go back,” said Manson. “Johnny is one of the nicest people that I know—to the extent where it’s almost heartbreaking how kind he is to his friends, and everyone around him....”
I just feel like he has a platform that most don’t
I’m just going to say this:
You’ve probably watched the video for Beyoncé’s “Hold Up” — the stunning masterpiece in which Our Lady Bey runs…
I didn’t take this as “regular people don’t exercise”, but rather as “if you are wearing workout gear walking down the sidewalk in the middle of the afternoon on a Tuesday, it says something about your life.”
But, but, it’s all about prioritization! (That’s a line I hear on EVERY article about health/fitness/weight).
In all fairness, I’ve never stepped foot in that theater chain in the first place. Was it really a frivolous lawsuit though? Holmes left through an emergency exit and nothing happened to prevent him from propping the door and returning. I wouldn’t say the theater acted wrongly, but neither did they prevent what…
I hate the “what’s your excuse” line. I’m all about encouraging people to be healthier and what not, but that line is just hostile. Hope you continue to kick ass as a single mom.
I’m a single mom. I wake up at 5 am every day to cook dinner, make lunches and breakfast and do chores. I get home from picking up my kid at afterschool care around 6:30. I feed my child, put him to bed, then do emails and house work. laundry etc. There is no extra hour for me to watch TV or sleep or work out. Your…
“Aspirational fitness” is the issue she’s talking about. Working out isn’t glorified in this context, it’s working out for multiple hours or attending certain expensive classes or training with certain expensive trainers. It’s about this new show of wealth and luxery, that masks itself as something healthy. It’s the…
To me, the point is less “you have to be wealthy/have lots of free time to workout” and more “you have to be wealthy/have lots of free time to wear workout clothes as a daily outfit.”
Dear Dr Stein,
Lolwut ?
I love his segment. I think my only criticism here is that I felt he was kinda overshadowing her with his louder singing. We barely heard her!
I really like Bernie, so I feel bad but this does make me feel kind of vindicated.