
I wish people would put as much time and energy into hating his vile sons as they do hating the Kardashians. And before anyone “why not both”s me- yes, I know, we can hate two things. But a lot of people only hate the Kardashians because Kim fucked a black guy on film like ten years ago. They don’t admit it, but it’s

No, it’s all the nice things he had to say about The Orange One, how he’s the billionaire who complains about how bad things are (boo hoo, cry cry!), the self-hating gay man who continues to stand with the very same people that also hate him. Read the speech.

Alice in Wonderland made over a billion dollars. Granted, that’s high for him, but most of his films from 2000 on make over 100 million dollars. His movies are 100% for average middle Americans. You don’t get a $110 million dollar budget, like he did for Miss Peregrine, by being an actual art house director. For

“art-house-camp-goth-misfit movies.”

The one thing that made me sideye though is that this made it sound like the parents still knowingly killed an embryo.

Islam wasn’t around 2000 years ago. Okay, okay, I’ll give you half a millennia of wiggle room on the timeline and pay more attention to just how much our ancestors knew about reproduction. They were surprisingly knowledgeable and yet very ignorant all at once. They certainly knew many of the signs of early pregnancy.

Both our brains and our culture keep constantly telling us “Pass your genes on. Have your own child. This is what you should do.”

This process is more like sperm or egg donation than surrogacy, and there is much, much less genetic material involved than in the classic sperm/egg donation. So the legal issues would be more like sperm/egg donation, which as far as I know usually only involve whether the kid can seek out the genetic parent at age

pro-life advocates fear the procedure will result in the disposal of a growing number of fertilized embryos

No, I’m advocating treating lying like it is against the rules of the debate. A referee will step in, pause a fight, and announce a penalty if a boxer throws a rabbit punch; the other boxer is not responsible for pointing the rabbit punch out to the judges.

so thats what a seventh degree burn looks like...

“You’re The Pun That I Want...”

“Yeah it was very hard. He was lost at sea and nobody really knows what happened...It’s human to wonder. But you know, those are the things in life you have to accept and let go. Because whenever you go through difficult times, there’s always those concerns. But I live on.”

Why do you think we have the rust belt?

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Shade Court, it’s that catching shade *always* requires knowing a great deal of context and quite a bit of inference.

When you see that this isn’t weird because you’re white is when we’ll have made it.

Because Apple has no integrity?

Ah. So your reasoning here is that Clinton receives actual monetary benefit from her public 501c(3) charity because she’s a politician?

It’s a bad look for a rich foreigner to donate to a legitimate charity because that charity happens to carry the name of the Secretary of State?