This stood out to me too. Trump, a man who has a history of silencing and attempting to intimidate the press, hired Peter Theil, a man who successfully sued, bankrupted, and shut down a website. If anyone knows how to silence ‘em, it’s Peter Theil.
This stood out to me too. Trump, a man who has a history of silencing and attempting to intimidate the press, hired Peter Theil, a man who successfully sued, bankrupted, and shut down a website. If anyone knows how to silence ‘em, it’s Peter Theil.
Oh so that’s what happened when they left the attic.
Let us pray to Peggy Carter, the patron saint of Badass Love Interests.
The director wrote ‘Harrold and Maude’. Which is also a genius movie.
Jesus Christ, what a bunch of butts. I don’t have kids and I don’t want kids and I don’t really like kids but I do my best to nod along supportively when people talk about their kids or show me pictures or whatever because that is basic human courtesy and also I guess it’s really nice that people love their kids? It’s…
Explaining jokes just ruins them. If you don't get it you don't need to get angry. It's not some convoluted smart people joke.
I really like my Eddy from camelbak. I fill it up every morning and hydrate before work (where I consume only coffee). I've washed it a million times in the dishwasher and it fits in every cup holder I've ever tried (the 600mL version at least). And it's cheap.
I really like my Eddy from camelbak. I fill it up every morning and hydrate before work (where I consume only…
Everyone: "No, installation isn't that bad, really, it's fine."
Mirena...Love. It. I'm on my second. If the string pokes your partner - your Gyn can shorten it in at the follow-up appointment. If you decide to get pregnant, get it removed and Kazaam! You are able to get pregnant right away if the stars align.
I was back to work and exercise the following day but I have endometriosis and a high pain threshold. I think taking at least the day off is smart, though, because I needed at least half a day to recover.
I didn't have more than spotting after insertion.
No offense to Taylor, who looks nice in a Dynasty kind of way, but this picture (from the link) is why I can't buy bras from Vicki's anymore. They don't make any that don't come preloaded with knockers. "Increase 2 Cup Sizes Instantly!" How about just support the plenty-big-enough girls I already have in something…
I hope I never stop finding this funny.
Your dick is small ya ya ya
I stopped reading this when you said that your favorite Hanson brother was Isaac. Isaac?! Are you fucking serious Mark?? Everyone knows the hotness order was Taylor, Zack, then Isaac. I feel like I don't even know you any more.
What non-sexy costumes are Jezzies wearing for Halloween? I'm going as Carmen Sandiego.