
LOOOOOL. If Fox News hates Jez, then we are doing something right.

I don't speak toddler and, therefore, did not understand a word she said.

Weather. Really? That's the best they could come up with? When I'm pissed off or grumpy, it's NOT about weather.

Ha :) The dudes were Darren Hayes and the ever-gorgeous and charming Ewan McGregor.

When I was a teen, I would hog up the photocopier at the library to photocopy my pic in with pics of famous dudes I thought were hot. I posted a couple of them in my car and a girl I took home after class one day asked if one of the dudes was my boyfriend. I said yes and rolled with it.

The real topic of conversation here should be about how her hair looks like it's so effortlessly cute.

Well, good morning to you too, Judgey McJudgerpants.

Ugh! I'm right there with you - those bags are so ugly!

Would you spank or hit people who report to you at work? Of course not. Why then, are children not given the same respect and autonomy over their bodies? It doesn't matter how much or how little you hit or what your justifications are. The fact that you hit your child makes you an abuser. Plain and simple.

You guys, I freaking hate Christmas. I hate the pressure to spend money and I hate the pressure to buy gifts. I hate the pressure to get someone the "perfect gift." If Christmas was about spending time with loved ones, baking, cooking, sending cards, and spending time by the fire, I would LOVE it! But it's turned

Violence against pets is one of those things that makes my sanity fly out the window. I WILL CUT YOU IF YOU HARM MY DOG YOU MOTHER FUCKER.

This is just fantastic! Malala is an inspiration and a goddamn world treasure.


"No one ever told me how irrationally crushed I would be the first time my little girl wanted to marry the silly, handsome boy from preschool instead of me."

Oh Lindy! I will miss you so much! Will for sure check out your bloggy stuff - I can't get enough of you on Jez. You have been the cause of many LOLZ at my desk!

Anyone experienced the opposite? I have and dislike my big boobs. I'd like to be smaller and am very much considering a reduction. I'd love any information you'd like to share.

What is BAGEL HEADS?? At work and scared to google.

What is SMEGMA?? At work and scared to google.

I've been lucky most of my life to be able to find clothes in most stores that fit and flatter me. However, I got pissed and frustrated as hell last year trying to find stuff for my mother in law. She's bigger and they don't have a lot of money for clothes. She's got a ton of clothes/outfits/accessories/etc pinned

I like the way you think. Tom Hardy is charming and hot as fuck.