
This shit is infuriating. Infuriating and disgusting. Who are these people? Who are the people who mistreat and murder others because they are not white? I just don't understand - it doesn't make sense to me. We are all Americans. We are all trying to pay the bills, love our families, and lead fulfilling lives.

Thank you for reminding me that I'm not alone in this :)

Fuck that shit! I work for a credit card company and that is a serious violation of the merchant agreement. If something similar happens to you, dispute it with your credit card company and provide them with all of your documentation.

Okay, now I'm dying to see video from the other side. We need to see the look on Bieber's face!

Yes, that's exactly the stuff I would like to see! I have no idea how to do that, but would love to try!

I miss the sewing projects that were featured a while back - was that more than a year ago? Could we extend that to other arts & crafts projects?

Eh, I'd end up just getting you a gift card to Target and calling it good.

I rock cardigans almost daily and I'm smokin' hot. 10/10 would fuck myself. Keep your collection!

She is just so goddamn adorable.

Okay y'all. I work in Compliance at a credit card company. This screams REG B VIOLATION (Equal Credit Opportunity Act) in big, red letters. Here's the big BUT - it sounds like they were unable to qualify for the mortgage at that point in time based upon their income.

Wowza. Dude looks like a weighty Rasputin.


"God knows what kind of corporate timeline they're working on, though." Jesus Christ on a cracker. You nailed that shit, Kelly. I work for a large corporation and it takes forreevvvaaarrr to get anything done.

I love the term "circling the wagons." It elicited such a delightful visual of cowboys with teams of horses and empty wagons angrily circling this dude while he looks on nervously wringing his hands.

Luke's skinny jeans. Oh my.

Oh, I have another I want to share. My dad told me when I was little, like 12, that earwigs burrow into your ear and eat your brain. Of course I believed my dad – that was too horrifying NOT to believe. I repeated the same information to my cousins who are a few years younger than me. Welly welly well. I got in

My husband and I were at Olive Garden kind of dicking around using English accents. The waiter came to take our order and caught us using our terrible fake accents. We were so embarrassed that we just pretended to actually be English. Well, his roommate or whatever was from England and he started asking us

Gotta say, though, I wish I would have realized this was an option when I was still a virgin. Would be auctioning that shit right now for grad school.

Because, obviously, ceasing gay marriage will end butt sex forever.

Nice that neither my alma mater nor any of the other schools in my state (Utah) are on this list. Perhaps that can be attributed to living in such a conservative area? Or perhaps it's because sex is so taboo that victims are unlikely to report sexual assault?