
Since I see a bunch of proposal and relationship stories in the comments, I'd just like to say I'm here to represent the Forever Alones (TM)

  • "thought"

Alrighty then

Totally agree, discomfort arises from truths and fallacies alike

Do I really need to qualify my statement with the very obvious point that she says stupid shit sometimes too? You can cosign, understand, and agree with some things a person says, while disagreeing with and abhorring others. I really hate that a conversation among adults requires that clarification.

We banter good

Because she makes people uncomfortable. A lot of the stuff she says forces people to confront some really fucked up shit that they'd rather ignore, and they tend to get angry at people who do that.

Yea I give her props on calling out Rocky for that

But I still rolled with like the chill bro I am

They are quite crisp and tart, just how I like them

Damn I felt guilty just reading this

Well of course. And if you go with the violently attacking option, you'll be glad to know that fighting back would make me a terrible person, so its a win win for you.


Now now, flattery not needed (though gladly accepted) unless you attack me violently first

Did you miss the part where he threw a glass that shattered on me unprovoked? AND when he charged at me with a raised fist? Oh and I guess you missed the part where I said that I've literally not so much as had an unpleasant verbal interaction with anyone in more than 5 years. The only the wrong with me was replying

Thanks Dr. Phil. If not taking abuse makes me not as such, then so be it. But, oh wait, you dont know me at all, and thus your opinion on the matter is null and void. Thanks for playing though, and don't let a lack of knowledge ever stop you from arm chair diagnoses!

Lol that is SO college

I used to have roommates, 2 guys, 1 who I had been friends with prior to the living situation, and 1 who was a random that we moved into our recently vacant 3rd bedroom. For the most part he ended up being super cool, and the situation worked out, but then he started to slowly come out of the closet. He had more of a

I'm not defending anyone (and find G extremely annoying), and knew I should've put that in my comment bc that would of course be what people hone in on, but, Kathy is the one that said it first.

But didn't she actually indeed start the fire because I'm pretty sure she is the source of the "weed" comment, that she then let G take the heat for