
So wait...what is this "intolerance" she speaks of? Legitimately curious or feel like I'm missing/have missed something.

He's not cool if he did that. That's what immature little manchild cowards do. Keep it movin, my dear.

This was just too good. TOO GOOD I SAY.

And that is why comparing apples and oranges is not wise or helpful

It doesnt matter, even in the same sentence is a bad idea. Intentions aside, it's always gonna go bad.

But, if you're not an idiot, you know that comparing a black person to an ape EVER is a bad fucking idea

Ooooh the plot thickens

the fuck did i just read?

Go on...

Pretty much everyone I know that's funny and delightful, self included, has a dismal dating life. It seems like the cooler you are the harder time you have finding someone who doesnt suck.

I put it EVERYWHERE, especially on my hands

I put it EVERYWHERE, especially on my hands

Rosebud Salve all day, gotta get yo shine on too

Rosebud Salve all day, gotta get yo shine on too

For those confused: this is not a violation of the student's 1st Amendment rights. The 1st Amendment exists to protect citizens from the government when exercising free speech, not from the universities that have codes of conduct that they sign upon entry. If any student breaks that code the university is free to

Right, it's incredibly sad. That's why when people try to insult me via the internet I'm just like, ok either come say it to my face (which you wont) or continue being a pathetic piece of trash who obsesses over people they don't know. It's a win win. The people who do it to celebs are especially pathetic because it

How could you get mad about a bunch of sad desperate people who are so obviously jealous of you that they sit around stalking your life? I would just laugh about it all day.

Try exfoliating your lips before applying each night

Haha well I use it everywhere, but the pubic part was the most surprising. I've actually gotten compliments from err... visitors on how smooth it is down there. But for the lips it's amazing too, and all over. I love the smell also, I like want to eat myself sometimes lol.

I use this! It's great for razor burn and keeping your pubic area ingrown free and generally smooth.

Denial is a river in Egypt, gurl

I was thinking the lead singer of the All American Rejects. Ironically so.