You know how usually the double standard regarding male vs. female promiscuity just seems annoying? This is an example of how fucking dangerous it is. Look how they're discrediting the victims. "She has a lot of sex, therefore she's an untrustworthy whore trying to damage the reputation of this guy who also has a lot…
Reaching for the positive in this story: ROCK ON, OKLAHOMA KNITTING FEMINISTS.
Articles like this- well-researched, nuanced, adding historical context to today's topics, sharply analyzed, and well-written- are my favorite part of the Jez: The Next Generation
And the parents also have to deal with the fact that they have produced children and are now responsible for their behavior and training.
Trust me when I say that, despite our wishful thinking, no one believes that the angry white man with made up grievances will ever go away. Gamergate is nothing more than a hateful white whine movement, only instead of focusing on the gay Muslim Kenyan Atheist Obummer, you guys are focused on video games. Yours is an…