

He's a ginger ewok

Fuckin honkeys

I had the exact same issue (wanting sex often, always being the one to initiate the sex, being turned down, him not communicating his needs and desires despite me being open to indulging him in any way) with my ex, and we were together 5 years. Honestly, that ended up being the main contributing factor to us breaking

I will pass, but you feel free to do whatever you want with your uterus mmkay

Everyone does not subscribe to that view, thankfully, because most people know fact from fiction, unlike yourself.

It's not something I'm telling myself, its a fact of science that you want to eschew to bolster your argument. A child is a thing that is given birth to, by definition, and thus, a fetus is not that. There is a reason why the terminology is "gave birth to a child" and not "gave birth to a fetus". Also, there is a

I would like to point out that a fetus is not a child. Please learn basic anatomy before making yourself look stupid.

It's not an attack, just an observation. Chad.

Of course your name is Chad. Of fucking course it is.

Yea I guess Mars was bad call since he's black too. Uranus, it is!

As a prosecutor, she's much much more dangerous than Arpaio, though I do agree

How does one assault someone without actually touching them?

Angela Corey needs to be shipped to fucking Mars

I love porn, and even I agree with this

Whoa, this Brian kid sounds like an everything-path. Obviously, my reaction to this story is all around horror, but it's too much to encapsulate in one comment.

I think it also speaks to the way you think when you're a teenager/young adult. You think everything in that moment matters so much, and will forever. You don't have the experience and foresight to understand that in a few years none of that stuff (Greek reputation, etc.) will matter, and that your focus should be on

Well if this isn't the pot calling the kettle black! Bad on you for making assumptions....brb let me make a huge assumption.

No, it's stupid and intellectually lazy for you to ignore my qualifier of "willing to bet", thereby making it abundantly clear that I don't, in fact, know for certain his true reasoning, and replace it with your assertion that I'm jumping to definitive conclusions.

I made no judgments about him, but I'd be willing to bet his objections to her number of sex partners has less to do with STDs than you might think.