
It has already been proven that your claim, although often repeated as fact, is not fully true. It takes far more than that to lose a visa.

Ah, you forget that the kids ARE photographed in Monaco and people have the Google.

Nope you’re not. The people who believe she is a bitch are women haters buying into some sort of ex wife mythology.

Gee I wonder how many people learned from her original comments that to say in public that women’s rights are important is revolutionary to say.

I guess his sisters civil rights don’t matter to the family since they moved to qatar, a country the un and Amnesty international condemned for poor rights of women.

I think the whole “likeability” issue is fucking coded sexism to the max, but I *do* think charisma is an important part of being president.

To my knowledge BLM has never shot up anywhere or killed anyone. When I was interviewing for a job for an organization that works with abortion we had to meet at an undisclosed location for safety reasons. I had to sign that I wouldn’t tell anyone where we met. Anti-choice fuck nuts have killed and bombed us. They

I’d say “at least this might convince other girls who are thinking of joining ISIS that it’s a truly terrible idea.” But not really. If the beheading videos and terrorist attacks on innocents made you root for ISIS, you are probably the sort of person who thinks “well, clearly that girl must have done something wrong,

I’m 28 and work full-time. Yesterday I used my lunch hour to go vote. At my polling place (in a New England city who, with suburbs, has a population somewhere around 500k), there were roughly 6 other people there to vote, along with myself and my GF.

People find ways to get out of work to get Iphones, Star Wars tickets, and free Dunkin Donuts coffee.

What? That is the excuse some people give for not voting? That is very dumb. It’s even dumber than when people don’t register for a party and can’t vote in the primary because they don’t like either party (in states that restrict primary voting to people registered for that party).

What do you mean? Why did she put up a picture of her eating cereal if not for attention? She IS soliciting comments by using a social media site to post things to strangers.

these anti amazon articles would have a lot more weight if you couldnt find ‘kinja amazon deals of the day!!’ on the same page

Lack of courage stops them from going to republican events..

I totally get protesting Clinton or making your presence know there…but why has BLM never once protested a Republican event? Like not even once.

Why are none of these protests happening at Republican speeches? I’m not saying they don’t have a right to protest at democratic events. I think you would get a lot stronger reactions and better press if you went and interrupted one of the republican candidates speeches.

You are aware there are black markets and she came from another country with different drug regulations, right?

Ok, here we go.... As the son of a Retired Marine Corp Col. who served in Vietnam, the first Gulf War, was given the last rites twice as head of security of the Pentagon after pulling dead and dying bodies out of the twisted carnage, got anthrax poisoning, and whose humvee was hit by an IED when he took over training

I returned to an article I’d read recently about Washington State agencies allowing parents to bring infants of up to six months to work with them.