
Feminism requiring the editing of an actual feminist ‘ s quote from 1912 is no intersectionality at all. Requiring history that suits you , requiring the erasure of an actual quote of a woman who gave her life for the right of all women to vote makes you a nonintersectional bigot.

It’s not simply a “rich white problem.” Many Black Lives Matter people routinely insult other groups, especially American Indians and Asians, never checking their brand of racism because, of course, “slave” is only in reference to them and they’re the only group that can be disenfranchised. They’re equal to any rich

It seems to me that there is alot of hullabaloo over a quote by a woman from a different time, and a different place. It’s like the outcry over the use of the N-Word in Huckleberry Finn, or the description of the orcs in LOTR as being “dark”.

The thing is, I am of European descent. I understand that gives me

I actually would rather be a rebel versus being a slave. All day. Every day. For the remainer of my days.

Fuck off.

I don’t get it. There have been thousands and thousands of years of slavery, and not just black slaves, but slaves across alll spectrums. They were viewed once upon a time as war prizes. And, as an American POC I wasn’t offended. But I tend to view history in a broader spectrum than just an American one. Eh.

cast portraying actual women as their actual races wearing t-shirts emblazoned with the actual famous quote said before an actual woman’s death “I’d rather be a rebel than a slave,”

Americans really do think they’re the centre of the universe.

Yeah, I didn’t see the word “woman” used anywhere in this article where it didn’t actually mean “mother.” It happens a lot.

There is certainly more to being a flight attendant than serving alcohol, but as a former FA I can tell you that it is not an insignificant part. Most of the flight you are answering call buttons and most of those are for drinks. So every time someone asks her for an alcoholic drink, another flight attendant then has

Fuck these religious assholes who think they’re entitled to a job, fuck them. Go find “work” in your religious institutions, not in jobs serving the public.

Just look at that picture. Why the fuck would a single woman want anything to do with that religion???

Oh god, I hate how self satisfied he sounded when he said: “I carry ALL the groceries.”

Go to the supermarket and then carry the bags home, you self congratulating twat

The protest at Bernie Sanders was not an “unqualified success”

Also newsflash ,black people can be racist .

It makes more sense to me that their father correct his visa issues so the kids can live on one continent AS HE WAS ORDERED TO DO.