Ariana's Side-Eye

It clearly has nazi ties…sleep German lol

lol Gavin started it though, not the guys

The pan back to Jareds intense face after his rant to Richard about stabbing people killed me. He's the best đź’–

Frankensteins bulimic daughter FTW

His relationship with Peter and the founding of Hooli was investigated season one lol

The mismatched shoe was on the wrong foot.

that scene made me sad for some reason..

LOL his random sleep german and hitler references. I'm betting the well runs deep with this one.

So disappointing.

As evidenced by Hannah avoiding her ass

It's weird, if they were gonna land shosh in this place in life, what was the point of breaking up with the Ritter fellow?

Hannah essentially grows up to be her mother without the beard hubby..? Wasn't her mom a teacher?

Gabby Hoffman looks incredibly worn out

I agree 100%

Yeah the way she looked at the mom and baby on the box didn't give me the impression she was looking at a future she wanted.

Hannah is giving the baby up for adoption

Next episode we find out Marnie got AIDS from sleeping with her junkie ex without protection and passed it on to Desi and Ray.

They were there. When he first walked in the audition room before leaving and meeting Athena you see a woman stretching behind him

He raped?

I was wondering if that was his actual title and but he also taught surfing..?