Ariana's Side-Eye

100% ๐Ÿ’–

Their hair. It was a nod to the incest

To be fair Dany has always dressed according to her surroundings. It makes sense a harsh place like dragonstone calls for harsh clothing

Grey is the stark family color

She said they couldn't wait around for him like ghost

Uncle Tyrion

My guess

He was disowned for selling slaves so he knows everyone knows where he stood with daddy

Cersei is going to die in childbirth like her mother and the baby will be an imp like tyrion.

At least ghost was mentioned by Sansa

I never watched that nerd crap ๐Ÿ˜œ

"Jaime fooking lannisterโ€ฆ"

Where has Sam been keeping his family's Valarian steel sword..?


Why, exactly couldn't Dany have taken Jon on the back of Drogon to pick up a wight? Seems like that's a pretty efficient method of travel? We ain't got all day guuuuuys.

Cercei is lying. She's not pregnant but she knew it would make Jaime fall in line

He just left the citadel meaning he's now the heir of house Tarly

Let's take all your favorite characters and put them back over the wall. Good luck dreading which doesn't come back alive!

Lol @ Davos joke about what the fans have been saying for years "I thought you were
still rowingโ€ฆ"

Hope arya doesn't fall into a trap of littlefinger and sansa