Ariana's Side-Eye

Drogon is the biggest because he was never chained like the others. He's also the black one. I do not know the names of the other two based on what they look like. Basically Drogon and the gang

Wait, this was boring but you're liking twin peaks? I can't finish it…or even pay attention for long.

Her eyebrows make up a good foot themselves

We do. We must.

Metal hand, metal armor, Jamie done sunk. Cersei is now all alone and about to go ham on Danny. (I wanna see a chick fight lol)

Careful, they're touchy around here about being helpful




Hahaha the last line made me cackle

Drakaris means "dragon fire" and is a command to "shoot" flame breath. That dragons name is Drogon. *pushes glasses back up nose*

As a freckly red headed female, that's not creepy at allllll

"Go live in tree roots already" is what I'm going to say to anyone who bores me from now on.

Did Jamie drown from the weight of his armor?

Me-"noooo don't kill bron! He's one of my favorites!"

Can I get me a blood rider? 😍

Seriously I felt like I was holding my breath the last 10 min 😱

jamie drowneded

On that note, all humans die. With that knowledge you now have no right to be mad at cancer or car accidents

Wasn't jorah married? Or am I mistaken?