Ariana's Side-Eye

Here's hoping you never get that type of betrayal. Love doesn't just go away when relationships end. There are literally billions of other humans on the planet. It's not that hard to avoid fucking a friends ex, who they loved regardless of the toxicity of the relationship.

Maybe it'll end in a montage of all their lives and deaths a-la six feet under?

Is it Jans..?

Oh my god. Watching Hannah watch Adams movie! 😍

I think it's indicative of someone who sees their flaws, and has a moment of clarity about correcting them before ultimately falling back into habit and not maintaining the self work needed to get there.

That killed me!

How does she make so little and have that apartment? How can her parents afford to support her even?

Elijah broke my heart and I loved seeing Jessa get so jealous over Adam and Hannah's past. She said it perfectly when pointing out how boring they were together- they had that level of comfort and companionship. Jessa lives for the high and real love isn't just the passionate honeymoon phase

Honestly I think that talk scared the last one away. But if that's the case, good riddance! Self care should be in everyone's top priority list.

It's equally shocking to me as a single woman who dates. Every man I have slept with in the last 5 years seemed shocked or inconvenienced that I would ask them to wear one. My last encounter told me he hadn't been tested but his most recent ex who he didn't use protection with had. I said "so you're clean by proxy..?"

That's what I got from it. She was told she couldnt have that life and be a writer.

I loooove Patrick Wilson. That is all

yes! dialectics!…not to be confused with Dianetics

She threw that book down and I was thinking I would have taken them all..?

Maybe she'll OD?! 😁

They're all female..? That word gets tossed around an awful lot

To you

I thought to myself, "why is she unpacking such a nice gift for a weekend day vacation? Keep it in the car"

Suck it easy lame wad

It's one thing to be nude in a scene, it's another to be naked practically the entire episode, but thank you for your interest and concern