Ariana's Side-Eye

Way way WAY to much naked awkward Dunham in positions one of that size doesn't belong. I saw her labia. I'm traumatized. When did this become about her forcing her exhibitionism on us all?

When I binge watched them I think they had just added season 5 and I was able to watch season 6 on showtime anytime ☺️
Thanks for the suggestion! I'll check it out ☺️

I got so sick of all the "token" jokes centered on him.

I got into it last spring because of Netflix

Worse, I dated a sociopath with that tattoo and got a reminder the whole episode

How does Mickey spell his name wrong when in the first season he and his brothers spray paint it across a wall correctly.?

He couldn't get it up before the sorority spree until grandma Queenie came through with some reflexology.

When your younger brother magically comes up with 130k to save the family house anything seems like it'll work out somehow

Holy shit I just realized she was Nancy in Sid and Nancy! How did I not notice that speech impediment? "Schiiiid"

Can I just say I hate Sammy but i LOVE me some grandma Queenie?! When she did that reflexology on Lip then was like "grandma Queenie to the rescue!" *double air punch* I about died! She's adorable and would have been a great Monica. I hate the actress that plays Monica, like Jennifer Tilley but not hot

His parents were assholes for not making him accountable. Takes two to tango, sure she lied but kid could have still put on that rubber

The debbie story line really bothered me. It's one thing when they portray her as a bitchy hormonal teenager, but then to have her purposely get pregnant? She was always the smartest one IMO. I get girls wanting love and security when they come from such a family, but Deb always was better than a stereotype. To me at



Who needs the war of roses when we've got the war of two lips?


Lol it's called "Power posing"

But while everyone was cheering the king in the north he was a silent wall flower staring daggers at Sansa?

So arya left the faceless men, but then uses a face to kill? Does that mean she didn't leave them? Or took some souvenir faces? Or started collecting her own?

I feel like her reaction is so numb compared to her other two children. I think when he took away her ability to have a trial by combat she realized it was him or her and the prophesy of her youth was to be fulfilled.