Ariana's Side-Eye

I've been saying this. Danny is going to "break the wheel" by creating a democracy. There will be a Stark, a Lannister and a Targaryan as political figureheads

Right? So obvious she meant Robert would kill the baby

I watch with a friend and when sam entered the library I was like "it's a Sam wet dream!"

It looked to me like she noticed he didn't declare for Jon while everyone else had

Littlefinger appeared to be the only one that didn't declare for Jon? Sansa seemed to take note. Lady Mormont is a badass. Is the hound going to obstruct Aryas route to winterfell, or help her? Does the brotherhood become loyal now that the Starks hold the north again? Will bran get to winterfell? Will he share Jon is


I hope at least you laughed at your attempt

Lol that's sad. My industrial designer friend comes over to watch Game of
Thrones because he can't afford HBO but prisoners can get it? Geez

I agree, and as one who's read those books myself, for some reason I got the impression the show and not the books were what she was referencing. Maybe I'm wrong

The only part that bugs me is the references to pop culture. I know they have access to movies and tv but I feel like prisoners probably aren't up on the hottest HBO shows. I could be wrong but it seemed they were all very aware of what was going on in the media (I get they could see the news) and in tv/movies I

Can't wait for the bastard bowl!

I fee like Daenerys is being poised to lose her mind like daddy and become the villain we all need

Like the hanging scene last night

Lol that's what I told my viewing buddy- it always goes down episode 9

I think it's time for Cersei to go. I love her and don't want her to, but this is GOT, when have they ever spared us the death of a fan favorite?

"Clearly have aspergers"
😂😂😂😂 hilarious

No Davos saved him by sending him out in a rowboat in the middle of the night. Presumably he's still rowing away somewhere

The books do that to a girl

In the books they don't say "son"

In the books they're lovers