
It makes me very uncomfortable to rah-rah any Republican, but John Kasich is showing more backbone than a whole lot of liberals. From what I have seen/read, he is very upfront about his disgust with Trump and doesn’t bend to the idea that we need to play nice/accommodate him or his administration. He could be vice

Maybe these people should have worried more about making a man President bragged about sexual assault, admitted an attraction to/willingness to sleep with underage girls and told a 10 year old that he’d be dating her in a few years (What kind of man looks at a 10 year old and thinks about dating/fucking her?). Not to

This is a super great way to keep low income/poor (and probably some middle class, too) women from achieving economic success. If they’re dead from cervical or breast cancer or an underground abortion, they can’t work. If they’ve got a kid that resulted from a fetus that they couldn’t prevent with birth control or

I was bumped up into Rogue after a late night binge buy inspired by your skincare post. #ilearneditfromwatchingyou

The back pedaling on this - that it’s just about Christmas- is almost as troubling as it unequivocally aligns the party with Christianity, as only Christians see today as the birth of a new king. It’s not like it’s a surprise but it seems like in the past it’s been more like faith/God in general, veiled in nods to

This is so great and so refreshing. I haven’t had a committed relationship in ten years, despite really wanting one/hoping to get married, and the odds of it happening aren’t looking good. The further I get into my 30s, the harder it is to find someone I click with and there is also the somewhat unexpected hurdle of a

A shirtless, bespectacled man dancing in a pool float is really all I needed to have a bright holiday.

Pretty sure if the tapes of him talking about what kind of breasts his 1 year old was going to grow, saying he’d date his own daughter, telling 10 and 14 year old girls he’d be dating them soon and answering “well, I wouldn’t want them to be 12....” when asked how young of a girl he’d sleep with didn’t shock the party

This article talks about electors who were supposed to vote for Hillary who decided to defect and do a write in because they thought it was a more clear protest of Trump. When it came out, I sent it to two people who are leap years smarter than me, and they couldn’t figure out the logic either:

I did not expect an upset and I’ve been trying to work on being useful since people like me - white women - brought this onto our country. But I’m also so angry, maybe at myself the most. I’m trying to get to a place of compassion but so far I’m failing.

My personal panic attack list:*

He won’t do press conferences but he has giant rallies where the messages are directed only to *his* voters and finely tuned to stoke their belief in all the ism’s.

I fly Southwest and love it so much. For whatever reason, it seems like they have far less delays/canceled flights, their flight attendants are generally pleasant, and when I used to fly from Chicago to the West Coast, they would give out A+++ snacks (don’t know if that is still the case). Plus no bag fees.

Oh my god, that is so much loss in one year, and only one year after losing your stepdad. I’m so sorry that you’ve had that much at once (or, you know, at all).

Thank you. Right back at you.

For quite a while I’ve been feeling like I’ve fucked up my entire life. Should have worked harder, should have majored in something practical and skipped grad and law school and just worked, should have gotten married in my 20s. Should have taken better care of my skin, hair and weight. Majorly should have been better

I would love to see their campaign’s emails. And Pence’s emails, too. I refuse to take off my tin foil hat and give up my theory that there are skeletons in all those closets that can’t even be imagined and that their superiority complexes would make them feel safe emailing about them.

Or if that’s too long for his attention span, maybe some Schoolhouse Rocks?

I think canvassing and phone banking are always good things to do. From what I saw when I poll observed, there also needs to be a huge push in regard to registration and trying to get more polling places. We had lines all day which is hard for people who need to get to work. I also saw a not insignificant amount of

Loeb’s whole argument is that the embryos have to be implanted because of the trusts in their names, right? That makes no sense to me because: