You can always throw your skirt or trousers over your lap if they don’t have a drape.
You can always throw your skirt or trousers over your lap if they don’t have a drape.
You’re half right. UK GPs will do breast exams at any time if you have a specific concern such as a lump, or if you ask for one, or if you want someone to show you how to do a self examination, or a breastfeeding issue, so actually I do a lot of them, not just on the over-50s.
Actual Dr in a no gown country.
I am 5’ tall. My husband is just over 6’.
If every group of 5 women who had vaginal births instead has a CS, one of those five women will no longer suffer POP and incontinence.
I’m day 10 after my second elective CSection, and breastfeeding exclusively.
About 2000 years ago this country was invaded and its people made to pay taxes to and follow the laws of the invaders.
Then it needs to be pointed out that there is this thing called civil marriage, which doesn’t involve G-d at all, but is about the state recognising you as a couple for legal and tax purposes.
Or maybe, his wife doesn’t like the houses/doesn’t think having those properties makes sense when her job means she can’t travel as much as he can? I’m guessing his filming schedule+ her hectic legal work schedule doesn’t leave a lot of time for holidays in the country.
Also TL;DR, you know making eye contact when greeting someone being considered polite is culturally specific? It isn’t universal.
I don’t think you know much about Australian politics...compared to what they usually say to each other, that tweet doesn’t even count as mild snark.
She didn’t smile or make eye contact with someone who considers that she and her partner, and the many Australians like them, don’t deserve equal human rights.
Well, that was horribly triggering.
Having my second kid by second planned, pre-labour CS next week.
The state can choose to do so, but it doesn’t HAVE to, and in many jurisdictions where there is no foetal personhood, then, no, it doesn’t, because there is no other “child”.
The objection is that the state chose to put a religious belief that abortion is murder and a sin, which is an opinion, ahead of the fact that the child’s life and mental health were at risk, when expert medical opinion was that it was in her best interest to terminate the pregnancy.
She’s 10.
The baby was delivered by planned C Section, precisely because labour and childbirth would have been so physically dangerous. That poor little girl.
Almost all art galleries and museums in Ireland are State owned and entry is free.
I have personally had an early pregnancy loss that was NBD, because frankly it saved having to make hard decisions, and an early loss that sucked big time, and then I quit testing until I was sure we had a keeper, because it was easier that way.