Any thoughts on Finch’s 1995 movie Stonewall?
Any thoughts on Finch’s 1995 movie Stonewall?
I feel like there is something we’re missing....
I went to a girls’ school in the UK.
I’ve worked as a doctor in the ER, in Psychiatric wards and in Primary Care in the UK.
I think this might be one of those $cientology things where the celebrity kids (Suri, Jaden and Willow etc) may have a very different experience to the kids of rank and file members.
Etiquette is quite simple.
Oh, Wisconsin, you’re so cute.
Maybe Greta felt that maybe, just maybe, she could go and see her therapist in comfortable clothing without makeup and a blow dry, because therapy was supposed to be a safe space where she could relax and take off and “masks” she was wearing?
Here’s what I don’t get.
I should say, that’s the most blatant example of racism I’ve personally experienced, but I’ve had a lot of:
Genuine question.
There is no good way to put this.
I have used nothing but Mitchum Powder Fresh roll-on for years.
I have used nothing but Mitchum Powder Fresh roll-on for years.
Amen. Currently 28 weeks pregnant with my second child.
She’s a very intelligent woman who has parlayed a postgraduate degree in neuroscience (with a thesis about appetite in Prader Wili Syndrome) and an acting career into supposedly being a parenting “expert”.
We have flown on 5 trips with my five year old, varying from 45 minute flights to London, to 3 hour flights to Portugal.
Yes, but here in Northern Ireland you can see the problem with leaving human rights to the legislature.
Opinion polls repeatedly show the majority of Irish people consider themselves to be Pro Life, but in favour of abortion for rape, incest, life and health of the woman and fatal foetal abnormalities.
No, that status quo would have remained...until the next referendum.