Getting it taken out wasn’t painful, but the aftermath was a blood bath like you cant believe. 28 straight days of heavy, soaking a pad an hour bleeding. I had to wear black pants to a wedding reception and i still ended up staining a chair.
Getting it taken out wasn’t painful, but the aftermath was a blood bath like you cant believe. 28 straight days of heavy, soaking a pad an hour bleeding. I had to wear black pants to a wedding reception and i still ended up staining a chair.
One of my favorite authors on Twitter today referred to David Cameron as “Brideshead Re-Slytherined” - I’m still giggling about it.
Nothing they say makes sense, they constantly contradict themselves by blaming women for being sluts and then blaming women for not sleeping with men.
It’s entirely normal to nurse at 16 months. Or not to. Doesn’t mean it’s for you, or for everyone. But its certainly fine and normal.
But the point isn’t that at least Northern Irish women didn’t have to walk a thousand miles barefoot in the snow (uphill both ways) to get an abortion, the point is that they shouldn’t have had to travel outside of their own country at all.
he looks like a lovable uncle vampire, or Gru
Hmm, let’s see, doesn’t respect women’s right to health care, is also a violent rapist.
What? No guess on the Coke Cougar. I like Cameron Diaz
I was at a favorite restaurant once with a group of people, and this time a friend brought his new boyfriend who was the wine buyer/sommelier for a pretty upscale restaurant. The waiter sauntered up and said, “Should I bring a couple of bottles of your usual for the group.” And I stammered, “Oh no, I think…”
A lot of men in the UK and Ireland are under 5ft 10”. I think all this height requirements is kinda funny because the amount of people who usually say “ZOMG those accents” are not bringing the tape measure on their trips over here.
I am 5’ 10,” 135 pound blonde woman, and I actually *prefer* “short guys.” The ones that don’t have a problem with my height are badass confident guys who DGAF what other people think. THAT’S what is attractive for me.
As someone who has dated guys who are Internet “5’7” (in the sense that they are under 5’5 because I am 5’5 in bare feet), I have to say that height isn’t an issue for me unless guys make it one. I had an ex who constantly harped on it and made me feel huge at 5’5 and policed my shoes. That one didn’t go anywhere.
Back when I was single, obvs I was trying to get laid.
I’m 5’7” and I connected with a guy on Match that happened to be the same height as me (height isn’t a deal-breaker for me). I wore heels to the first date and he threw a hissy-fit when I walked in and I was a few inches taller than him. He angrily accused me of lying about my height! I pointed out my heels while…
Wow, Christian persecution complex much? She is not being persecuted for being a Christian. She is being held in contempt for failure to follow a lawful ruling that granted marriage rights to same-sex couples.
Starring Tori Spelling as Jen and that guy from Dharma and Greg as Ben.
Ben joined her in the shower and she left the test out for Jennifer to see, so like they all shared one bathroom? Also, Ben left his stubble in the sink and Christine got spray tan all over the grout.