Tanya McMurray

The wife in this case, according to the article, wanted to have custody of the dogs but for her ex to have visitation rights. The judge basically said that because dogs are property, it makes no sense to have a visitation schedule enforced by the courts, because that’s a waste of court resources. He’s not wrong.


Fuck you, Judge Danyliuk! You know fuckall about my Henri!

we do not “engage in an economic cost/benefit analysis to see whether the children receive medical treatment”

I have to think that the ruling would have been different for cats.

First they came for the Youtube pranksters, and I said nothing because seriously fuck those guys.

I just assumed she was doing some kind of kabuki theatre tribute...

She must not be planning on lifting her arms more than 45 degrees in that getup. I thought shirts like that were only found in lad mags.

People are pretty good about not spoiling that particular ending, in my experience. It’s just so good that nobody wants to ruin the enjoyment of people who have not seen it. I haven’t seen any film do unreliable narrator better.

My god YES, that woman makes entirely too much money to not get a goddamn deep conditioning every once in a while. Blows my mind.

My sister had that doll and our siblings and I were terrified of it! It sounds scarier when the batteries are dying. I type this as someone who loves old weird dolls!

Nah, the hair is much too healthy and real looking to be Kellyanne.

Jesus fucking Christ! Thanks for the month full of nightmares!!!!

Oh no, not this demon doll. The first time the little girls turn around they are terrified of baby laugh a lot and her demonic laugh. At the end of the commercial their possession has been completed. Now they just have to wait till there parents fall asleep.

They made a Kellyanne Conway doll?

Yes, a match made in hell! You know they would constantly be reading eachother’s emails and DMs.

Now playing

And this is the same doll that can be hacked to say basically anything.

Cayla is at least a better product name than what it was originally called, NSA Secret Eastern European Prison Informant Barbie

She’s probably dating Elf on the Shelf. Those two deserve each other.