Tanya McMurray

I can’t decide if you are very young or just very weird.

I’m not sure “Syro-Hittite” would mean much to many.


This is men. No where in his pissbaby rant did he mention consent. “Do you think it’s wrong to send people pictures of yourself?” Yeah, if they haven’t asked for them. “Are porn stars creepy” No, they consented to those videos being distributed to the public. And the public isn’t being forced to watch them. The

Look he can’t hel...

I’m glad that the law has finally stopped looking the other way with this bullshit.

And the blown out eye. That’s creepy, too.

The blown out eye isn’t creepy. The entire “posting an ex on the internet” is creepy as heck.

St Nicolas was Turkish (technically then-Greek, but ethnically modern-Turkey).

I’m so convinced that someone’s holding onto a big bombshell that they’re going to drop at the 11th hour. Like that Trump let the mob leave bodies in his building foundations in exchange for teamster loyalty or somesuch. Hope this isn’t just desperate wishful thinking.

You know, I hate how the only way to get through to these chucklefucks is to play on homophobia, but damn...It’s not that I want them to be afraid of gay people, I just want them to know what it’s like when someone bigger than you threatens sexual acts that you’re not into. (Straight dudes, feel free to volunteer to



Wow. After all these months of straight up horrid fucking news... This. This right here gives me faith that times may really be changing for the better. Or at the least, moving in that direction. Wish I didn’t need to say this, but I’m taking about the very strict and harsh punishment to a promising soccer team and

Waiting for a wealthy Harvard soccer mom to weigh in, “Bu-bu-but boys will be boys!”

Start a new “tradition”: make them take shifts for the rest of the year, serving drinks at parties at a gay frat house, while wearing skimpy French maid outfits. After each party, they can pass out comment cards and see how they were rated. Online, on an easily accessible site.

It’s so unfair when shitty actions have consequences. :(

And yet still, nobody believes rape culture exists on college campuses.

To be fair, it was a different era. In 1998, urinating in other people’s beds wasn’t as big of a deal as it is today.