Tanya McMurray

Is it really beg and call? Am I the only one who has been saying beck and call all this time? Eek. I hate when I do that!

People are photoshopping large nipples on him. And now they’ve moved on to his brothers.

I don’t get it! Are they actually large? Or are people photoshopping them to be large? OR DO THEY START LARGE AND SHRINK?!?!?”!

Nothing destroys a marriage faster than a child

...or locking them in the laundry room while you run out to the grocery store.

And no one puts you in jail for crate training puppies.

I dig this look on her a lot.

Babies are not puppies, indeed. Dogs are considerably smarter than babies until the latter hit 20-22 months or so.

There are some crazy people raised on romantic novels who somehow believe that having a child is like taking an extended vacation to a tropical resort. That it is the ultimate expression of love between two people! I don’t understand it at all. They virtually swoon over the idea of two people (who they don’t know)

The fact that the cat isn’t named Rachel MCatams should disqualify it anyway

I had a client that had a HUGE cat that she put on a lead so he could have outdoors time.For the first five minutes he would hiss and roll and try to break his own neck to get away. Then he would lay and glare at the door until she let him back inside.

my indoor cat has a collar with a bell because of her asshole tendency to sneak up behind people and yell-meow for no apparent reason. does that mean i’m jumpy? certainly. but a psychopath? only sometimes.

That cat looks nothing like Rachel McAdams. Even if you were blind you would know that they look nothing alike.

I am no fan of Kim K’s but I genuinely feel really bad for her and it seems pretty obvious she has had a scare. She has gone silent on social media and the last picture I saw of her she was more dressed down than I’ve ever seen. If she wants to stop the show I don’t blame her at all, an experience like this is

It is known.

The number of footprints could be deceiving of how many people were actually there if they were walking in single file to hide their numbers.

FWIW I think it looked really good.

“Dragons first” omg hahahahaha I want to date that guy.