Tanya McMurray

In 1979, when I was 4 years old, my parents bought an old victorian house in a small town in Wisconsin. It was built in the 1880's and had been only owned by the same family. The most recent owner, the son of the family had been born in the main bedroom of the house. He lived there all his life and when he died over

I really want to know what the rhyme was!!

Signed, sealed, delivered. I need to know the rhyme. Related: I liked this story a lot. I like that a poor little kid could find peace with a nicer family, even in death.

I've actually never told anyone this story before; I'm a skeptic and sometimes have trouble believing even my own experiences if they don't fall into the purview of what is explainable and rational. Call it an adorable quirk. But, since this is all anonymous and in the spirit of Halloween, I present to you the tale of

Mine isn't all that scary, and it's almost comforting to me, actually. But I've been told by a few people that it's creepy.

If my brother ever dies and decides to haunt me, I'm pretty sure that's how his ghost will manifest itself.

This summer I went with my friend (M) to her family's lake house in northern Maine. While we were around the camp fire, M's sister-in-law told us some stories about a property that she and M's brother own and rent out (M's brother was with the baby, so she admitted she was taking advantage of his absence to share with

Dead Nice Old Lady, he used to have coins from the 50s and 60s when they would go to the grocery store and he'd tell his mom that the Nice Old Lady gave it to him for candy. Long story short, lots of weird shit happened in the house my aunt & uncle rented while they were building their house in the early 90s. Almost

My mother has had many different experiences with weird shit.

Sounds like Evil Abe Lincoln.

I'm so sorry for the loss of your father. Any dad who would take a gun and patrol the house based on a child's description of claw-hand Abe Lincoln must have really loved his kid, despite any tenseness toward the end.

When I was a little girl, about six years old, I lived with my mom (a graveyard-shift telephone operator), and my dad (a state worker). Being that my mother worked the graveyard shift, I knew that she left around 9 or 10 pm, then returned by around 6 or so in the morning. My father worked the normal 9 to 5, so there

Holy fuck. Try to smile. This one's a winner.

My dad was in the Air Force and when I was young, we lived in base housing on a base in MT (up north, where it gets dark early in the winter). My parents had fixed up the basement as a kind of hangout for themselves and other friends with kids who couldn’t afford babysitters. They had a pool table down there and a

This is something that happened to me fairly recently, and I still have no concrete explanation for it.

My favorite aunt passed away a few months ago. It hit me pretty hard. It wasn't sudden or anything, because she was sick, but it was still really painful.

My immediate thought was "the ghost does NOT like this guy".

I found what seemed to be a great apartment on craigslist in the early aughts. It was a spacious two bedroom with an eat-in kitchen, den and living room on the top floor of a triple decker. The rent was reasonable, the roommate seemed cool and the neighborhood was convenient. I was really pleased with the place, even

I went ghost hunting once, but nothing really happened...

Several years ago in my post-college time, some friends and I had a paranormal investigation group. It was all really quite professional; we had a lot of gadgets (EMF detector, motion-activated cameras, etc) and we took it seriously. We got a few interesting pictures, some EVP (unexplained recordings of voices), and