“has been operating as if it should be called 18th Century Fox.”
“has been operating as if it should be called 18th Century Fox.”
Well one of the reasons he’s given is that wants to visit Sharon Tate’s grave but most people who know anything about their relationship are giving that reason a serious side eye.
“having sex with”. No. He raped a child. He wasn’t “having sex with” her.
I have an odd question, it’s only odd because I haven’t heard anyone ask it before-Polanski wants this settled because he wants to come back to the U.S. . Why? He has been to, and lived in lots of fabulous places and made the films he wanted to make for over 40 years, received tons of accolades and had his wrinkly old…
My parents spent time in Gstaad in the 70's and were close enough to Polanski’s social circle to have dinner with him. To this day my mother defends the guy and blames the teen he raped and her mother who — to paraphrase her — threw the kid at him. “Everyone” agrees with her, she once said. Rapists with power are…
Hmmm, I can certainly appreciate her wanting to move past this, but allowing it sets up an even more blatant legal double standard for rich white men to buy their way out of crimes. While I can see the payment as the results of a civil suit, it shouldn’t take the place of the criminal trial and sentence.
Yeah, at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter how much closure the victim gets.
And the court should tell her that it appreciates her position and is happy that she seems to have come to terms with her assault and trauma. And then it should continue its pursuit of Polanski, who is a child rapist who spent the last 40 years living in luxury and adoration while having a family of his own and…
Hopefully she’s just trying to lure him back to the country so she can like murder him or something.
I just don’t get how anyone can read that without vomiting a little.
That she thinks that story makes her seem relatable really tells you everything you need to know about her and her whole stupid family.
Imagine being so clueless that you think this is a cute little story and not incredibly shitty & fucked up.
I wonder if someone secretly hates her and told her to tell it.
My husband and I watched this last night and I was blown away to realize I had honestly never heard Jared Kushner speak. The man’s in charge of everything and I cannot honestly tell you what he sounds like. It was funny but one of those laugh so you don’t cry kinda deals.
Whoever told her that story was a winner, should be fired.
Guilted? Imagine Daddy Dearest, looming in the background, and the steady realization of how replaceable you are if it gets back to him “somehow” that you won’t buy his entrepreneurial little twits’ garbage drinks?
Right? WTF? Is Nicki the only female rapper he has actually listened to?
Thank you for all your hard work Bobby