
Oh good, I always wanted to die a preventable death in a pandemic. I just hope it’s quick!

Exclusive photo of Trump in six months when he’s successfully alienated everyone:

The Daily Beast reported back in September that Bharara’s office was investigating money laundering within the Russian government.

I read Graham’s statements more as an indictment of Trump’s corruption, as in “if the evidence was so blatant that a judge was willing to grant them a warrant, this guy must be doing some pretty shady shit.”

So it looks like the authoritarian law enforcement in our govt are gearing up for a showdown with the judiciary. Considering who has the muscle, I don’t think the judiciary is going to win.

The idea of this happening when you’re with your kids. Jesus Christ.

Omg that woman was a freaking rock. Brava, and I’m so sorry on behalf of our beyond fucked country.

I wouldn’t put it past this motherfucker to deport born and raised Americans who disagree with him.

My husband is a non-US citizen/non-Green Card holder and although he is from a European country and perhaps it is silly for me to be concerned, I can’t help but worry that this BS is laying the groundwork for more awfulness... I’m sure a lot of couples and families are nursing the same worries, to various degrees,

Melania threatened to sue one of the women Trump sexually assaulted and publicly accused victims of racist attacks of bringing it on themselves. She’s as evil and odious as he is.

Seriously, it’s about time to call on their bullshit the people who bring up the speech of “this is not the ‘right’ way to protest”, “those people aren’t activists, but vandals”, “rioting isn’t the answer”, “blocking traffick is wrong”, “you’re disturbing the life of others”!

Seems like it...

It is entirely heartless and sociopathic. They are literally signing death warrants. I don’t know how you can so removed from reality that you think getting rid of people’s health insurance is a good idea.

I’m so fucking angry. My parents were finally able to afford healthcare for the first time since we lost our house during the housing crisis. ACA obviously has problems, but the solution has never been snatching away healthcare from people who desparately need it.

Draining the swamp just gets rid of the water, not the scum.

Read the comments on an article posted on Facebook. Some mirror exactly that, and others - I can’t believe I’m forced to type this - were saying he didn’t mock the reporter’sdisability, he was talking with his hands. Or he wasn’t mocking his disability just the reporter. FFS, I lost brain cells. If you mock a person

so pointing out that a presidential candidate mocking a disabled person is unseemly and not befitting of an elected official is some how elitist? we need two USAs and im moving to the one where people behave like civilized human beings.

So what is she saying - bend over and let Trump do whatever he wants and keep your mouth shut because morons might take offense? Or stop being so uppity and intelligent? This stooping to the lowest common denominator only gets you lower.

Fuck Meghan McCain. So she’s okay with Trump mocking a disabled reporter? If being angry at those who mock and belittle others and those with disabilities makes me “out of touch” with the American people then I am elated to be “out of touch.”

Oh, Meghan. Bless your heart.