She’s too busy making eggs “a la francaise”.
She’s too busy making eggs “a la francaise”.
I think Luann really is a gem on that show. And I will forever thank her for giving us “Money Can’t Buy You Class”
Is Queen Latifah really a queen?
And if they don’t answer an uncomfortable/flat-out rude question, he’ll just ask it again two minutes later and get them to spill. Andy really should be questioning terrorists for the CIA.
The real tragedy here is the lack of a statement necklace.
There snow doubt in my mind.
That’s a pretty stark correlation.
When people ask what happened here, tell them that winter came for House Pornhub, and lots of people didn’t.
Your cat seems over qualified to sit in for Trump. She appears quite focused and her fur coat is well tailored.
Ooh, I have five kitties....I CAN GET SO MUCH DONE!!
The scumbag Trump family, whistling “Yankee Doddle” while sending checks to some decrepit Chinese factory mill where virtual slaves slap together her cheap tawdry garbage under sub-human conditions. Where’s her big shoe factory in Gary or Youngstown? Where are her proud American employees and their decent paying…
“Women Who Work”...what, you mean like ALL OF THEM? How very unique, she “works” and has a husband and kids and a daddy...big fucking deal. Why would anyone possibly think that plastic phony has anything to offer actual “working women”? What the hell does she know about anything?
I’m quite inspired by this, frankly! This just freed up my next three weeks. I have TWO cats, I can just outsource all my meetings, negotiations, networking events and board meetings to them. Let’s see... Deb has a beautiful face but is secretly more of an asshole than Dex, so I think I’ll send her to the quarterly…
Obviously, what that ottoman lacked was a proper amount of ventilation holes. Good eye once again cat.
Thank you for this.
I would vote for your cat in a heartbeat. She has more personality than the entire Trump clan put together.
One of my friends thinks Russia was playing the long con, and Melania is a Russian spy with 20 million dollars in a Swiss bank account.