I’m going with the theory it’s Chris Kleins kid so he doesn’t feel the need to keep up the charade
I’m going with the theory it’s Chris Kleins kid so he doesn’t feel the need to keep up the charade
No-you are right. He did skewer and expose her to all but the most dedicated Trump believers. He did it without being aggressive but it was very effective. I think a lot of the people who are criticizing here haven’t watched it. So much of the media, NPR included, has been inexcusably tolerant of these people and he…
It really distresses me that a call for silencing dissenting viewpoints is the top comment, especially when Noah did a beautiful job of shining a light on the vileness and senseless criticism that Lahren stands for.
Exactly. Not sure why there is rage. The interview made him look great. Her, not so much.
I think this attitude is an extremely large part of how the alt right gained so much traction. What happened to proper debate and discourse? If we, as liberals, are so afraid of her voice being heard, and are willing to silence controversial topics then are we really striving for a fair and balanced society? or one…
I really love how they keep throwing out that 3 million illegal votes lie Trump pulled out of his ass. Especially since it is known that the GOP has been actively manipulating the districts to insure democrats can’t win in multiple states. Where’s the talk about election fraud over that?
Yeah I do not understand this at all. Having her on and seeing her not be able to do logic weakens her not him. Plus discourse is good?
I disagree. i love Jon Stewart as much as anyone, but I think Trevor Noah has done a decent job ... I’m a little surprised he had this zealot on, but not really because he’s mentioned her before. maybe he got some of these morons to think (a pipedream, I know)
I think Trevor, of all people on TV, is the one person that can take her on. She is looking for the conflict and anger, that is all she has. I hope he takes his Apartheid experience and takes these white nationalists to task.
Oh, he SHOULD allow her on his show. No discrimination here. He sliced and diced her quite fairly.
Oh come on now, Jon had right-wing figures on the show many times. I don’t know why it’s necessary to pretend to be nice to horrible people, but it’s not a new thing with the show.
I’d argue it was a good thing to have her on the show? Addresses the whole, have people with other viewpoints so I’m not in an echo chamber. His thought process was to probably skewer her, to expose her. On the other hand there is not arguing with these people. I just herd a guest on NPR, Diane Rehm, she had a guest.…
Wait, wait, wait. The Daily Show has had figures from both sides of the table. She’s a crazy person, yes, but why are we upset by her appearing on a talk show that discusses politics from all “walks”.
I hate her too. But I listened very intently to the show and Trevor is the only person I’ve seen make her squirm. While I wish to hell he would have pushed her much harder, but at least he showed she is all talk and no substance.
It’s a reality show. She tends bar while “acting” and “modeling,” at this restaurant in Beverly Hills owned by one of the Real Housewives of BH and staffed by a group of sociopaths of varying attractiveness. Most of whom, including this one, are constantly in competition as to who can be the WORST. Scheana is usually…
Stassi is to Katie now, what Katie used to be to Stassi in season 1. Katie used to be completely subservient to Stassi, now that Stassi had to beg her way back into the group she is still on the “ brown nosing tour”.
I also look forward to that reveal. It was such a passive aggressive little eff you - you know, to the “love of his life.”
I don’t think it goes through, but I can’t wait to see when Tom tells Katie Ariana is a groomsman. Ariana is also looking the best this season too.
best part of that scene IMO was Ken holding two Pomeranians in the same arm