Isn’t it GREAT that we now have to have a “stop, drop and roll” for active shooter situations at schools? JUST GREAT. (heavy, sobbing sarcasm)
One of the things that I am proud of is that I have helped two women who work for me leave abusive spouses.
I am a sales director and I lead a team of about 100 people. One of the things that I am proud of is that I have helped two women who work for me leave abusive spouses. I have strategized, supported, and done everything I could to not only say I believe you but put the full weight of my authority into making it…
I saw her on Seth Meyers (I think) a year or so ago, and she incredulously told a story about how she once met one of the people she’d said horrible things about on — what the hell was the name of that show? Fashion police? — and that person actually didn’t like her because of it! Can you IMAGINE? It made her so…
The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, which she never will.
Jon Hamm had a drinking problem at the time and has sought help for it. Kathy Griffin does not appear to have sought help for being unfunny.
We’re going to need a metric fuck ton more of these.
I believe the appropriate time to shit oneself is if/when Giuliani is nominated for Attorney General.
What’s funny is how the Internet Trumpkins are justifying it.
Wow Reince Priebus! What a political outsider! Trump’s base hasn’t been bamboozled at all! I’m about to get drunk for the 6th consecutive night!
Perhaps the sanest strategy I’ve heard- also, not a bad prescription for winning at life.
Continue to be try and better person every day. Help all people who need it, treat all people with respect. That’s my plan.
At least we have people like Sam Bee and John Oliver.
Very important. It’s only now that I’m realizing just how much the media failed- they put ratings ahead of their basic humanity. They helped usher in an extinction level event.
Sorry for the bad memories. Kitteh pic for you (hope you like puttie catz).
I hate Pence 10x more than I hate Trump, tbh. (I was gonna say 100x but then I remembered how much I do actually hate Trump.)