
I find whatever monstrosity is happening on the bride's head much more alarming.


Thing is, on some level the arguments aren't entirely untrue: men can't be feminists in the same way as women. Just like white people can't be for race equality in the same way as non-whites. That doesn't mean that we can't strive for the same things, however. It also hinges on the notion that there's some kind of

"Okay, everybody, we need to burn down the reception hall to cement our love!"

Yeah, I realized that as soon as I clicked and realized it was a burner with three replies. Who claims to be a hardcore feminist to the point of excess and then uses male as a noun instead of an adjective?

Fallacy of relative privation.

My husband stepped on my dress a few times, but I had it bustled so it wasn't that bad.

We did the foxtrot to "Somewhere Beyond the Sea" by Bobby Darrin. We got married in Tobago. It was awesome.

The picture we have framed from our wedding?

My cat did NOT like that airhorn. Which is why I watched this video 8 times.

My cousin's daughter, maybe 5 or 6 at the time, got blue pen marks all down the front of her mother's wedding dress about 10 minutes before she was supposed to walk down the aisle. I was quite impressed when my cousin just laughed it off.

Goddamnit. I starred your comment and it brought the dumbassery you were replying to out of the greys with you. That shouldn't be a thing.

Old men! We call them beef jerky men, and they are almost always tall and thin and stringy, and will keep running forever. There is no catching them, they have been running since they could stand, and they will pass me in every race ever.

My boyfriend ran a 10k recently (he came in first for his age group!) but was passed during the last mile and beaten by an old man wearing a t-shirt with a hand-written message on the back that said, "I'm Dr. Wind. You just lost to a 68 year old."

I totally lost the widow reference as being someone whose spouse is always absent due to his hobby, so I read that as if you were an actual widow and called your late husband what's his face. Then light dawned and I was really thankful that you weren't calling a dead person what's his face.

That's the kicker - the euphoria comes RIGHT AFTER the warm death feeling!

I needed this today. I'm "running" in my first 10k this weekend and am TERRIFIED of not finishing. This helped. I CAN do it.

In my first half marathon, I got passed by a race-walker at mile 3. Dude passed me WALKING at 10 min/mile pace (6 mph). Talk about a kick in the balls. I did sprint mile 12 and I caught that motherfucker about 1/2 mile from the finish.

I think it's nice that those officials were trying to help her, but having been a competitive runner in high school and at times out of breath to the point of being doubled over on the ground, that clapping lady is giving me some serious sympathetic exhaustion claustrophobia.

Kind of wonder if the fourth-place finisher, is like, "Wait. She crawled and beat me?"

I doubt it was her pride. It's her livelihood. She's an elite marathoner. Who knows what sponsor incentives she might have been running for in addition to the prize money.

i literally came back here just to wait for the person who would say something shitty, but i didn't even have to wait.