
Oh god, quick, hide this before an art historian wanders along and starts wittering on about the Golden Mean again!!!


Hot women are never cheated on. Just ask Halle Berry, Sandra Bullock, Emily Blunt...

I don't like the assumption either because the whole "men can't control their penis" feeds into a whole lot of other problematic stereotypes too. Not cool lady.

My husband wouldn't be down for another guy joining us, and I wouldn't be down with another girl. Sad trombone.

Yeah, the tipped minimum wage when I waited tables 25-30 years ago, was the EXACT SAME THING it is now. Only then, minimum wage was $3.35, so $2.13 wasn't SO bad.


You'll see similar arguments against public employee unions all the time (or unions in general): Why should they make a living wage when I'm working a shitty job making minimum with no job guarantees?

I love how she's mad at her 5th grade education. If she didn't have to tip, there would never be another instance in her whole life where a percentage needed to be calculated.

The art of tipping is, for most people, really freaking annoying. How much is too much? How much is too little? Is this the only reason I had to learn how to calculate percentages in 5th grade?

A more nuanced version of her argument would also include something saying that the employer is obligated to adjust any wages up to the minimum hourly if the server's combined tips don't reach it. To which anyone who's worked in food service at all can just laugh, and laugh, and laugh.

As though Mark Zuckerberg is obliged to tip you more than I am even if we receive the same service:...

It's par for the course. I only do so when I recover from my fainting couch, as the staggering amount of $15/hour caused me to pass out. What would I do with a multitude of riches?

I know when I'm over feeling guilty about something, the first thing I do is shop around a 900-word blog post about it.

Also, can we talk about the hypocrisy in this article? Bartlett wants owners to "improve the livelihood of those in the service industry." Well, by not tipping, Bartlett is supporting the owner's businesses (by eating the food) while simultaneously screwing over the workers (by not leaving a tip). Also. To hold China

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I dated a "local celebrity" for 3 years, and always suspected that he may not have been faithful, but could never prove it. I was working as a sales assistant at a radio station, and we had a staff meeting with our newest hire. This was right after I had finally broken up with the dude, and my supervisor was saying

Heisenberg is pulled over by a State Trooper for speeding. The trooper asks him : "Do you know how fast you were going?" And Heisenberg says : "No, but I know where I am!"

A Simple Illustration That Explains How The Uncertainty Principle Works