
Step One: Don't.

Yeah, I'm going to echo LadyGrinningSoul, women, as in female adults, do not all love or all hate dick pics. I personally am not a fan. It's a turn on to see a hard dick when I see the whole person and said dick but the dick by I'm bisexual but I don't want women sending their labia pics to me.

Is it weird that I am more than comfortable with sex at any time, even on a first/only date, but feel dick pics should be reserved for committed relationships? I feel like unsolicited dick pics from someone i'm casually dating come off as way too aggressive.

Then you must be a White person. White people routinely drink dark, bitter coffee and, just as routinely, disdain adding sweetener, milk or other flavors to coffee. As a person of decidedly mixed heritage, not only CAN I drink milk in daily coffee, I DO.

You mean strawberry milk.

I don't trust anything that comes out of Berkeley. Too conservative. Reed College or bust.

Speaking as a fellow lactase-persistent Jezzie (I'm Irish and German—how can I not be able to drink milk?) I feel it is my duty to enjoy dairy for the sake of those who can't. To deny the gift of my ancestors would be extremely arrogant.

I thought this article was sort of tongue in cheek in that sort of sanctimonious joking but not really joking kind of way. Like she was trying to pull it off as light hearted but its pretty obvious she has strong feelings about this.

Alternatively, I'm allergic to most milk substitutes (almond, soy, coconut) so I'm stuck with the cow or rice milk (which should be called rice water.) Cashew milk is amazing but basically a dessert and impossible to find.

coincidence this group of lacto-tolerant people have dominated the world politically and economically? OR, has imbibing the milk of the ovine imbued them with the strength of the bull and the thriftiness of the sow?

And several species of animals can't digest chocolate, so that means humans shouldn't eat chocolate either, right?

Cheers to that!

Counterpoint: There is no better snack food than chocolate milk.

Rebuttal: as stated already, lactose intolerance prevalence differs based on ethnicity. Using Asians or Africans to dictate the diets of Northern Europeans (who are largely NOT lactose intolerant) ignores the diversity of human evolution and cultural development. Natural selection shaming, Jezebel? Do you know no

I don't really like milk, but cream in my coffee, greek yogurt, and cheese are basically my main sustenance.

Counterpoint: Milk is delicious.

So proud that we have someone who is both a doctor and a judge on staff.

"Driving school??" What is this "Driving School" that you speak of? Where I'm from, most kids learn how to drive on the farm, then get their "learner's permit" at 14 years of age allowing them to drive during the daytime. Most towns in my State (South Dakota) don't have any sort of formal driving school. It's not

It is similar to a standard H-Pattern flipped onto its side. Push up for reverse, pull down for 1st, then push to the middle for neutral, push backward and up for second [from neutral], and backward and down for third [from neutral]. ^-^

Now all we need is a story where a carjacking fails because of a three-on-the-tree transmission and we'll be set.