
well, i went swimming the next day—24 hours later, but I had a laparoscopic procedure—in through the navel & right above the pubic bone—tiny, tiny incisions. They blew up my belly, so they could see what they were doing. Snip. A twenty minute procedure. My surgeon had literally performed 500 tubal ligations and was

It's now on cash register receipts, too, now. Why?

I think it's good to remember that not all people have the same experience. I thought getting my tubes tied was no big deal in that I swam the morning of the procedure, had it done, felt fine after coming out of the anesthesia, swam laps the next day, and had nothing to speak of besides torso bruising (they went in

do you mean the vagina industrial complex?

so true. When I started bartending in the late 1980s, I was almost always the only woman behind the bar. In the early 1990s, I had an employer basically tell me that he never hired women because they "couldn't handle it," with "it" being dealing with drunk customers or throwing people out of the bar. The formula

Phyllis Dietrichson would eat that pasty, poetry-spouting British boy for brunch.

Well, florida has sun most of the year, yes? OR and WA, not so much 5 months out of the year. June-October is perfect, though: 75-85, almost no humidity.

In the pacnw,, everything mildews if left scrunched up:( I soak our fabric-lined curtains every 3-4 months, and they are still icky. even with a fan and a heat lamp/light.

what is this about?

Here's a link to the gofundme info to help support the baker's legal fund.

I'm thinking t-shirts for everyone in this club.

the second season lost me. Too many moments where characters behaved in really implausible ways, which was jarring after the first season took such great care to "realistic."

She offered a tiny moment of elegance to ANTM, seasons 5-9.

If a girl lives someplace where she can go and get a good fitting at a bra/lingerie specialty store staffed by older ladies who've seen countless breasts, and where they actually do bra alterations for a person, it's worth it.*

If a girl lives someplace where she can go and get a good fitting at a bra/lingerie specialty store (a place staffed by old ladies who've seen countless breasts, where they actually do bra alterations for a person), it's worth it.

I almost never pay (even sufficient) attention to the time a post is made, but apparently, we both felt compelled to comment on the missing apostrophe at the same time.

Now I'm trying to visualize Beshine attempting to freestyle in the pool. Or breaststroke or butterfly.

thanks:) but I can't star this image.

I'm with you in terms of enormous breast implants, but that's probably b/c I had reduction because of huge ta-tas and can't imagine choosing to have something weighty and big on my chest again. Big boobs for me = intense back, neck, and shoulder pain.

my 70-something uncle, who was a fighter pilot in the Vietnam conflict, literally cannot stand to hear her name. He has never seen a Fonda film made post Hanoi-Jane photos.