Kitties, Stars and Glitter!

I don’t wear a sign, but I’ve been an active commenter on the site for about a decade now, and when it seems appropriate I do include the information.

I didn’t know that you are a lesbian. That makes this conversation different because there is a lesbian voice in it (yours). Now that I know you’re a lesbian, my view on what you said is totally different. There aren’t a whole lot of us and I’m just used to us being discussed without our participation. Maybe next time

I’m taking a chance here by pulling you out of the greys, but I wanted to make a few points in response. The first is that I agree that people who aren’t lesbian shouldn’t be having this sort of discussion without us, and that there is definitely a specific strain of homophobia and misogyny that’s more toxic than the

I am increasingly dismayed by this trend of people who are not lesbians discussing or deciding what lesbians can do or should do in our romantic or sex lives. The interviewer was totally out of line to ask two women who aren’t lesbians to discuss that. I feel the same way about white people talking about internal

You really want to win this round of internet, don’t you? 

That’s fair. I’m glad Chelsea seemed pretty on the ball about the whole thing, and I’m sure she and Hillary have had some discussions since then about it.

I agree-but I have to point out a few things. The first is that, it’s weird to bring it up a lot, like it’s a commonplace problem. Kind of reminds me of that Jesse Singal idiot who is constantly publishing stories about people who detransition. It’s not that people don’t detransition, but if you put a lot of focus on

Yes, but if you go out of your way to categorically state that you cannot find trans women to be attractive, based on an erroneous assumption that all trans women have penises, then it makes sense that some people are gonna look at you askew. Trans women don’t want to sleep with people who don’t want to sleep with

Yes, there are, but this stuff was DEEPLY underground in the 60s, except for Christine Jorgensen who was sometimes on TV. My world was additionally narrowed because my parents were Evangelical.

Exactly. There’s a really good chance that the questioner knows that they are leaving out that context, though, because intentionally doing so is kind of part-and-parcel of the whole TERF argument. Of course, many TERFs would also argue that you literally cannot be a lesbian if you are attracted to someone with a

Also, the “not wanting penis” thing is just the latest bad-faith argument like the “cotton ceiling” thing. It’s referencing a very specific discussion, out of context, to paint trans people as rapey.

This is classic TERF/transphobe tactics: find the most extreme possible example, get someone who is casually ok with trans folks to go along with it, and then try to portray them as agreeing with you. Hillary Clinton has actually worked to measurably improve trans lies, I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt

“Chappelle claimed that Dorman was “laughing the hardest” at the jokes. But not everyone was laughing. Some claimed the comedy was transphobic.”

Fuck all of the people crying about the headline, Chapelle is a homophobic, transphobic and I’m sure several other ‘ics asshole that I don’t think deserves the support and adoration he gets.


Nicotine itself doesn’t cause cancer, it’s not even listed as possibly carcinogenic. It, at worst, has negligible health effects (and even some positives when it comes to Parkinson and alzheimer’s). It’s all the other shit in traditional cigarettes that can cause cancer. The other shit in vape juice is unknown if it

The only knowledge I’ve gained from the current health scare around vaping is that the industry doesn’t have a professional trade group and/or they’re bribing the wrong or not enough congresspersons.

It’s always fun to watch shows try and tackle in single episodes topics that within LGBT+ circles have had discussions that have gone on for years and still at many times cause quite some arguments.

She also calls bisexuality “so binary.”