Kitties, Stars and Glitter!

So just to jump in because it seems like you are indirectly blaming the driver for not stepping in, it was upstairs on a double decker bus. The driver has cctv that allows them to see upstairs but wouldn’t be staring at it every second. I’d assume as soon as the driver noticed the fracas they called the fuzz.

I find this funny.

While I’m glad he’s getting work post-The Good Place, I’m sad because it’s post-The Good Place. I’m sad that the show is departing our screens; I’m happy that it’s departing on its writers’/runners’ own terms.

There’s a pretty big difference between playing an Irish woman and playing someone who is trans.... I’m too tired to explain how wrong your argument is and why, maybe someone else who speaks more eloquently than I do can explain it to you.

Found the terf.

It seems weird to me that this memoir exists at all, and especially claims to be aimed at a queer audience. Like, if you haven’t done anything of note other than *be trans*, why would other trans people care? They're already familiar.

It’s not that their ‘loud voices’ drown out trans men, it’s that cis people are much more fascinated by trans women for all sorts of misogynistic and transphobic reasons. The idea that someone would choose to live as a woman in a society that puts men and masculinity at the top of the scale is still incomprehensible

I think you perfectly explained why I don’t update my Kinja diary as often. The first few years of my transition were awfully traumatic and noteworthy. It was also and hopefully still remains a helpful resource for trans people starting out and cis people wanting to look in on the life of someone starting transition.

Same! Also, your coworker can fuck alllll the way off.

Seriously, trans memoirs are so full of tropes and trauma because the reality is...
Life as a trans person is boring.
Yes, we face some shit and go through a number of pains in the ass... but more than 99% of my life is the same boring ass shit everyone else goes through. And the unique stuff? Not particularly

Ah, I was and am a big ol’ nerd, with a special fondness for British culture (I’ve been reading Douglas Adams and Sir PTerry since my tweens), which meant that when my similarly-nerdy friends in college mentioned the show, I had to give it a watch. It was shortly after the reboot with Eccleston, and although the Rose

Oh, for sure. And that’s kind of the issue with these kind of memoirs, which is that they’re either going to be sensationalized for voyeuristic cis people, or they’re gonna be rote retellings of nothing particularly unusual, for trans folks. And, of course, they’re always going to be told from a single perspective,

When I first came out, I tried to learn a whole bunch about the trans experience, and read books like these, but that quickly lost its interest. I think we’ve definitely reached the point where being trans in a transphobic world is not really sufficient grist for a full novel, the same way that people aren’t

Going to say it, juiced ball is good for baseball.

I don’t think smoking is as often meant to add to a character as to add to the setting. Smoking is a big part of the setting during certain eras and among certain groups of people.

Except for the fact that people DID smoke like chimneys in small town Indiana in the 80s. It's very common for people to start (or re-start) smoking when stressed.

I mean.....people smoked. A lot. And everywhere.