Which is a very different discourse. Branding sits firmly within a capitalist-commerce discourse, originating in competitive enterprise and employed not as an inherent human quality, but as a manipulable tool.
Which is a very different discourse. Branding sits firmly within a capitalist-commerce discourse, originating in competitive enterprise and employed not as an inherent human quality, but as a manipulable tool.
With all respect, you can say that because your life isn’t the one on the line.
Your two statements don’t make sense together.
That position requires capitalism to be inherent in the human experience and that is not at all true.
Eh, as a trans woman please let us determine our own chosen spokespeople. The trans community is united on our dislike of Jenner.
Reputation is human and cultural. Branding is corporate and capitalist.
Those two things are absolutely not the same.
Honestly, rights come before acceptance.
Don’t worry, she’s gonna stab us in the back.
Dear god it is like we’re not even individual people anymore. In the future we’ll all go around asking what each other’s “brand” is.
Yep, the LW here is a good person. Anyone telling them otherwise should rethink their worldview.
cis gay male gatekeeping
At the very least, the process of meeting and spending time with trans persons is one major way individuals work out their own stuffs.
And a slight government sanction. Which is scary. They’re poising to use “Religious Liberty” very clearly.
Can we put this on billboards across the country?
It won’t, but it has psychological effects that are not pretty.
This is how ALL name changes go. Which is why this is so absurd.
The judge is simply a bigot and this case should go well for the plaintiffs AND create precedent that will help others. At least I hope.