Kitties, Stars and Glitter!

Always Sunny, which as a trans person I have a complicated relationship with on the topic, also used a ciswoman.

Seriously. You’re a mess. Get yourself together.

Exactly. It is the same as the “straight” girls who hit on me and then say, “Oh, everyone is a little bi!”

Whelp, we know who is getting metoo’d next. Fingers crossed. Fuck that guy.

Dude. Shut up. Why is punching down at trans people so important to you right now? Are you just in a place where you refuse to back down out of fragile ego?

This is like saying people should bleed humors to cure their pneumonia.

I like you. You should have a cookie, and then some soup.

I’d like to just address this, because it is hard to understand from the outside.

Seriously. The majority of trans people are incidentally stealth anyway, meaning that when you see someone and can say, “They’re trans!” we’re talking about a small and transient population of people.

I mean, you don’t even know what a good article would even look like.

Eh, you should just listen to trans people on trans issues.

We’ve been rioting since Stonewall.

They aren’t even a minority. Detransition isn’t even a thing to be concerned about at all. It very, very, very rarely happens.

Virtually every one of my daughter’s friends in her class of rising 9th graders is queer, genderfluid, gender nonconforming and/or trans. Statistically, that is pretty amazing.

he’s not arguing that people should or shouldn’t be trans or should or shouldn’t wait.

You’re usually much better than this. I hate losing respect for people.

I’m thinking particularly of a genderqueer friend (formerly cis man) who I think is doing some really deep self work of extricating themselves from patriarchy, having come to their queer identity a little later in life, who is connecting their own transformation to their wider commitment to ending oppression of all

Side note: I love when I get told to “seek mental help” when I talk about my transition.