Kitties, Stars and Glitter!

Why are you so invested in the sexual exploitation of gay women?

What queer experiences? Getting drunk and making out with girlfriends for the approval of men?

There is no queer woman who engages in relationships with other women for the primary edification of men’s sexual desire.

I have yet to speak with a queer woman who saw the song as anything other than describing a foreign experience. And that is because it was written by men. I don’t discount her experience, but I’m not a fan (and neither are the many gay ladies with whom this has been a topic of conversation.) I have yet to find a

Are you a queer woman? No?

Meh... I’m looking forward to this? I never watched the original (BtVS forever!) and I enjoy women-centric entertainment by preference. If it is mostly non-problematic and fun I’ll be happy. Tho there is never that expectation.

...and here it is!

This is an awful take. LGBTQ+ struggles are not a marketing strategy, and this kind of male-centric view of queer women is exactly the kind of context that creates danger for actually queer women because it normalizes the ridiculous and dangerous idea that queer women are objects of straight male sexual

This strikes me as so hollow. There is zero evidence there is any understanding of what the problem actually was and that the solution is to simply not queer bait and keep your mouth shut if you don’t know what you’re talking about.

You have to ask why THIS embarrassment to the Dems is different from... every other one where Trump can’t wait to leap on the attack. A major Dem donor and he’s ducking a statement. I don’t find it far-fetched to think Weinstein may have some kind of dirt on Trump, even if it isn’t “bombshell.”

The only reason he would put space between himself a major embarrassment for the Dems is if he was, at one time, involved in some kind of way. And honestly that isn’t at all out of the question considering they had similar-ish circles and certainly knew each other and seem to have a lot in common.

I vaguely recall there was another group of horrid people who made humans they were trying to eliminate wear pieces of flair

One of these days I’m gonna figure out what is so damn dangerous about this “gay lifestyle.” Then all bets are off, because if it is so unflinchingly powerful and threatening... I am going to do some real serious damage.

If it’s a person, and you can’t own a person

I am sincerely not looking forward to having to compartmentalize to watch season 5 of AD. It is my girlfriend’s absolutely favorite show, up with Always Sunny (pattern?) We’ve both been avoiding this topic like the plague, because we’re immature sometimes, but it will have to be addressed at some point before we

OMFG This better be good!

I... I think I need to go watch this. For research. I need data. Lots and lots of data. brb 30ish mins.

Meh, I could post more but I think this speaks to what MLK would think of Trump.

You make a lot of wild claims for someone who says so little.

Honestly, you’re opinion on this subject doesn’t matter.