
Dude if I understood it, I would, but the tl/dr appears to be “I am an authentic crazy person” ... it starts out as seemingly a defense of cops, then swings the opposite direction, then comes back around. None of it really has anything to do with the article.

Easy on the coffee tomorrow, eh? Take care now.

I need a tl/dr on that comment, help a girl out?

I was in 6th grade when my best friend’s twenty something year old brother raped me. He said I teased him.

that escalted quickly.

The obvious conclusion is that

Holy Lorem Ipsum!! Needs five more inches text to satisfy me.


I think it’s a great choice on gawker’s part. Student athelete of the year pic, it’s much more embarrassing, shows the fall from grace and hey this “perfect student” maybe killed a child.

He has a mugshot.

Gawker had no problem posting Jason Van Dykes mug shot. So thats bullshit.

There are plenty of pics of him on the teen dating site. I mean, uh, that’s what I’ve heard.

LOL right?

How about using his mugshot like every other major news outlet?

“. . . the only pic of him you can find to use is a screencap of him being named the Student Athlete of the Week?

God DAMMIT. This poor kid stuck with me. Kids that have to go through a huge amount of misery early on in their lives affect me, always have affected me, in an undefinable gut-punch way. She already had a tracheotomy, a LIVER transplant for god sake, the worst was behind her, right? And she still ends up like this.

Without speculating to deeply, this kid is from Columbia, MD, a well-to-do suburb of Baltimore and DC. Affluenza season may soon be upon us.