
oh, you just want to troll! Got it! Enjoy!

Most women who want financial security are not gold diggers. There is a world of difference between a woman looking for a rich man vs. a woman who prefers a man who is financially secure. Financial security is about stability and dependability, not material possessions. In my earlier comments on this thread I laid out

Showing up on someone’s doorstep would be assault because you’re entering their personal physical space.

Just trying to get a bead on malicious vs stupid.

Shaking my head at your gender even as I reward your wit.

I am not arming anyone, because once again, I’m not talking about obscenity. I have used the words “directed” and “targeted” to describe his behavior in every comment. Because the thing that’s significant here is his intent, his intent to be seen with her without her consent in order to solicit sex or achieve sexual

analizing everything, especially old relationship will drive you crazy

bellydancer, I don’t think you need to apologise for anything!

Oh jeez, I apologize again for using the phrase “sorry if I offended”. What I mean is just plain sorry.

The funny thing is how it’s stereotypically women who are picky but in reality I’ve seen it’s actually the other way around.

Ugh when I was in high school a guy was trying to tell me how my friend is really pretty and he might ask her out if she lost weight. Now, this guy was a stoner mess of a human being who already got one girl pregnant and was doing absolutely nothing for his child, and he was just average looking. But how nice of him

Really? Because my friends and I usually discuss our hope that we find a guy who isn’t a hot mess, doesn’t treat us like shit, and pulls their own weight in the relationship.

That is so true. Some guys never outgrow it. I know a guy who is about 40. He has what is basically a checklist for the women he dates. They have to be pretty and athletic and have good jobs and like to travel. Because he has finally decided that he wants to settle down and have kids, they also have to be younger than

This reminds me of a conversation overheard between a good friend’s boyfriend and his best friend. It was years ago, but it’s still vivid to me because we were gobsmacked by what they were saying.

I’ve never had a convo like with my friends. With us it’s usually, “I wish I could have a guy that actually listened to me” or “ I wish I could actually find a feminist guy to date” or shit like that. But I’m sure those convos exist between girls, I haven’t had many like that, though. I did have one friend (not really

Over the holidays, I was eavesdropping on my brother and his friend talking about girls, and my brother has a girlfriend right now, but things are just kinda eh between them. And he said that he’s afraid he won’t find another girl on his same social intelligence level. I actually did a spit take, which sucked because

Agree. If he’d married a 50 year old molecular biologist with some gray hair and a few wrinkles, then he can be used as an example. Otherwise, nope.

It’s just like you’d guess: Men primarily want younger, more attractive women, and women primarily want someone ambitious with financial stability. Again, this isn’t new. We know that high-achieving women have famously complained of a lack of eligible men they consider their intellectual equals. Heartthrob George