
Ah, so you are at once a precious fragile snowflake to whom the mere sight of “ugliness” causes nausea, and also a brave stoic who uncomplainingly (except here, apparently) wades through such tortures. Truly, you contain multitudes.

Oh, seeing ugliness makes me physically ill. So there is that. Hearing loud cell phones conversations and children gives me migraines. Despite the discomfort these cause, I soldier on.

You’re really grasping aren’t you? I like how further down you compare inhaling vape (again something I actually said you shouldn’t have to do) to being sexually assaulted. Because that’s not dramatic.

How do you handle just walking? Second hand vaping isn't measurably different than just existing in real life.

As a severe asmathic, don't listen to these idiots. Vaping only triggers asthma in those who are looking for a reason to bitch.

just how many words of the post did you actually read? because I think if you go back and read it you’ll understand why your comment is irrelevant.

I know quite a bit about asthma and vaping is not a real thing in terms of your ability to breath or not.

btw, all of that stuff is food safe and any time you smell any artificial flavoring or are in a disco you’re inhaling it. None of that explains why people go after someone vaping like it’s a moral crime but leave people who wear perfume alone.

did you read anything past where I said “I vape” because I’m curious why you’re making it look like I didn’t say “go outside”, when that is what I said.

So what you are saying is that you will physically assault anyone who dares exhale in your direction.

Yes. Instead of my breath smelling breath, it now smells like strawberries. Fuck these people who have a problem with it. They might as well have a problem with my breathing....which I am sure they do.

I’m not arguing with you, I’m saying you’re not presenting an argument and calling you an asshole, and someone who instigates and then poorly defends themselves. I’m also implying you’re not very intelligent or at least a hypocrite (both, really).

I said “vapers, stop”. You decided to be a an asshole to me. don’t have an excuse for such a poorly worded insulting question. You actually should know how obviously open ended it was.

I’m starring this because I want to address it:

Explain, please, why you think it’s ok to ban folks from a legal activity because you think it’s “douchey”? I mean, with all respect, that sounds pretty darn douchey.

Here is the information that you’re looking for from the arrest: “Eighteen-year-old Kevin Norton and 27-year-old James Stumbo, both of Iowa, were arrested and charged with Unlawful Possession of a Firearm, Unlawful Possession of Ammunition, and other firearm related charges.”

The article states “each pled guilty to

The RPG is actually pretty fun too. At the end of a session everyone votes on who best played their characters, who was MVP (MVM?) of the session, etc. Plus it’s really interesting trying to solve problems in a world where nearly everything is bigger than you are.

Worked for Babe.

Yes! There’s going to be a Mouse Guard movie? Fantastic news! I loved the comics. I just bought the Mouse Guard minifigs last month at Brickworld!