
Sure, for the few moments he’s a national figure. His larger ideals stand strong in that he thinks abortion is murder.

The fact that you assume results is troubling.

A Garland Court? so we’ll have a freakout every time a decision ends up there?

My favorite so far was Martin Shkreli (noted expert at remote diagnostics) proclaiming she has “early onset” Parkinson’s, at 68 years old.

because it is bullshit.

I see no reason to think she doesn’t have a problem. Like, no argument here was even made. Just like, HRC isn’t sick so whatever.

Lol... “not having stamina” has been accused of every male candidate ever. But please make this into a gender issue.

Pulling that shit for 8 years is what got them Trump.

But you are afraid of what pops up on your pc.

He needs Ohio to win.

Her “awkward moments” are what DOCTORS use to diagnose.

Keep telling yourself that. He’s huge in the belt.

Clinton can be unwell and it has nothing to do with anything.

Right? Can we get to a place where people can criticize Clinton without it seeming they want Trump to be president? Clinton is center-moderate, and I do believe that we need to pressure her to remain left.

So, we’re good, right?

Except that her visable disease is one that is actually real and not a product of irony.

No. Hillary actually shows diagnostic signs of having a degenerative disorder.

Well, you obviously didn’t watch the various videos where Clinton starts jerking and shaking uncontrollably.

No, it has to do with her documented shaking and inability to control it where it gets played off somehow. She’s not well.

Maybe it had to do with Clinton’s many Parkinsons-esque symptoms?