
You’re on the Internet. This is the Wild West. Not a nice padded room. People shouldn’t have to put a trigger warning on every comment that could possibly hurt someone’s feelings. Maybe use some judgement and avoid articles that may contain content that will upset you, instead of asking people to monitor their speech.

Too much time in the sun while doing swim shoots.

Looks like a regular pen with it's cap on the top to me.

The kid could be getting a PPD test circle! I got a boring black circle when I had mine. I guess they save the fun colors for the kids!

How so?

Tax benefits and death bed visitation rights.

Lemonade stand.

The muscles in your vagina would grip the diaphragm. You could insert it before sex, and as you become aroused and the vaginal canal expands, those muscles would continue to grip the diaphragm and hold it in place. The same way a birth control method such as the nuvaring can be popped in and forgotten about. No need

Thanks! Not only was it cool, it had the added bonus of being a salient distinction - if one is trying to make a cohesive narrative out of this shock value mess of a music video.

So because the majority of a fashion show cast is white, the makeup artist, who is supposedly a professional there to perform a skill they are competent with, has no need to accommodate the skin tones of the darker cast members...? The dark skinned models should suck it up and bring their own foundation - a task not

If her husband has a well paying career, the wife has no reason to automatically assume he’s involved in shady dealings.

I think it’s okay to be angry right now. You’ve realised your anger isn’t sympathetic to a person who does deserve sympathy, which is good. But at the same time, it’s okay to be angry. This man’s actions have left your friend in a tough position. It’s okay to feel frustrated with her situation and worried about her.

Who is this white haired supermodel?! Google has given me no answers!

I took that as “I’ve always found men with dark skin attractive” re the use of the word “look”

Kids are definitely a factor. Raising kid/s is stressful! And stress leads to aging and many a grey hair.

Horror aside, “Pinterest Nazi” does have a nice ring to it.

Does he know? I got the impression he didn't know about this. OP is gonna have fun getting to break that news.

Yea that makes sense. She can be a bit obnoxious sometimes. I’ve certainly met women who were mothers who acted like it was the only truly meaningful thing they could do with their lives as a biological female and those who chose to remain childless were of less value. But the way she talks can be without “kid gloves”