
There’s been a lot of talk about extra “context” and with this documentary people making Michelle Carter, the woman who got all of 15 months for this... to be the victim. Here’s why I don’t care to watch this documentary and have zero sympathy for her. I’ll let Michelle Carter’s actual words to a suicidal person do

Had to cringe when you said “man up” this is why toxic masculinity is a thing.

This is literally not true.

Here’s a spoiler for you... citing “sexism” and making this woman out to be a victim is gross.


The lengths people will go to in order to protect white women in this country is absolutely astounding.

I’m sorry, but there’s a fine line between “just do it already” and her fucking telling him to get back into the car when he was scared and having doubts.

First of all... what does this even mean. What defines a “transcendent performance”?

Welcome to Jezebel. If there’s an opportunity to shoe-horn in some snark... they’ll take it.

It’s absolutely true that instances of false accusations are incredibly small (much smaller than incels and MRA trolls would like us to believe).

Just so we’re clear - assaulting people and putting them in the hospital is fine as long as no one actually dies? That’s the measuring stick now?

As a therapist, I say no. Anger is justified. It’s a valid emotion, just like the emotions this poor streamer felt.

But that’s just the problem - I understand WHY people claim it’s not a double standard because of historical oppression.... but it’s kind of ridiculous to give one group a pass to say whatever they want about another group when they’re upset because of historical oppression. How is that a functional way to move

So if you’re frustrated with a woman taking advantage of you or doing something awful, it’s acceptable to just say “women are trash”?

I am stunned that this Jezebel series offered the most glowing overview for Elizabeth Warren. Just stunned.

The hurdle that any reparations legislation is going to have is if you try to approach it as a straight cash payment for black people.

I gotta say, Jezebel’s coverage of the Democratic Field seems to be getting worse and worse. Just endorse Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harris and ignore everyone else completely already.

Yeah... last a checked “sending nudes” is not a recognized love language in psychology.

Really if any so-called Democrat doesn’t throw all their weight behind whoever ends up winning the primary (even if it’s Joe Biden) they can fuck right off.

Thanks - I’ll have it on your desk by Monday. Working title: