And the nuns, I am assuming, got nothing. As usual.
And the nuns, I am assuming, got nothing. As usual.
Yeah, as a mixed race person myself, that’s just...don’t do that, pls.
I was re-greyed when I made a slightly negative comment on an article about - I shit you not - an ice rink. There is no rhyme or reason, and it’s seemingly impossible to get un-greyed again. If you write online, you have to engage your commenters...
I feel the same way. The world has been a constant, never-ending ball of shit recently, so I will cling to every single little fragment of this.
I always find this funny, because I think she’s stunning. I’ve seen her in person because she used to live in my neighborhood, and she is stupid pretty, just not in a blond white girl way. I’d potentially argue that he is the one punching above his weight here (although he actually seems really decent. Too bad he’s…
I think Ellie Golding played Kate and Will’s, so it’s not actually all that far-fetched.
Being born in Brooklyn actually usually means you are the opposite of a hipster. The hipsters are the people who moved here.
Yes, I will 100% wake up early to watch this. I didn’t actually for Will and Kate because I was in college and waking up early was just not a thing I was down for.
Yes, she’s definitely still a bit green, but the fact that she was so solid on every jump is super promising. I didn’t find her skating elements or transitions to be bad, just in need of a bit of maturity and elevated difficulty. Presentation can be developed, but bad jump technique is incredibly difficult to…
Yeah, she really needed to let go of the long program. Judges get bored seeing the same thing year after year.
Lol re: US pairs. I’m watching the ladies and kind of dying. Karen’s a disaster, and I hope she’s seeing a sports psychologist. Ashley has consistent jumping issues and cannot do this underdog-after-the-short thing against the Russians because she will never make up the ground.
I’m 28 and am really struggling with this. 2 years to the day last week was the end my last real relationship (which was not super long, but was very intense) and going into the holidays with that in mind was not fun. I have dated, but I just am not finding anyone who I like more than my time to myself.
Stores that open on Thursday are the grossest and just straight-up greedy. Let your staff spend time with their families.
They’re so good! I bought my first pair a few months ago and literally had a holy shit moment in the dressing room.
YES. They are so awful! I find it funny that retailers now are like “millennials don’t want to talk to people” and are investing all this money in tech for their stores, when it’s like actually, a lot of it probably has to do with years of stores like J. Crew and department stores treating us like shit.
Retail stores did it to themselves. If they did a better job of creating a positive in-store experience and quality product, we would all be more inclined to shop there. J. Crew is expensive, low quality, and their stores here in NYC are so snobby you’d think you were walking into Barney’s.
Oh FUCK no, Lena Dunham.
Yeah, I think they’re really pretty! There are some godawful perfume bottles out there. The oud sounds pretty great to me.
I mean, there’s usually actually a lot to say about fragrances. I recommend everyone hear a perfumer speak sometime, because the way fragrance houses create scents (not just for perfume, but also for everyday household items, etc.) is incredibly fascinating.
I literally don’t know. I always thought I wasn’t a blush person, until Glossier (yay, I’m a millennial) released Cloudpaint and included Haze, which is purply-berry, and the Into the Gloss article about it said that people tend to flush more purple-hued when they’re exerted or cold or whatever, not pink. And in my…