
Watching someone like this work in Photoshop just reminds me of how little I know how to do with that program.

I really do think that they think more of their mothers, because moms aren't usually thought of as being women. They're just moms, so aren't quite as flawed as the "sluts" they encounter online/in real life.

Or she's practicing a decent journalist skill of backing up her claims with proof that her nice is in fact "Internet famous."

I've actually read this book. I couldn't not read it, plus it's only $5 on amazon. It's incredibly weird, but better than I expected. Granted, that may just be because I had such low expectations to begin with.

Very likely that this is fake, but I've hear just about every comment made in the letter from people in my life. Although, not generally from the same person.

Yes. That is 100% what Halloween is about. What does she think people do on Halloween? Adults use it an excuse to get drunk and bump uglies, or watch awful movies in similarly terrible costumes, while children try and trick every adult they come in contact with to give them as much sugar filled crack as possible. THAT

I have already bought my monthly quota of books, but it appears that I'm going to have buy one more just on principle.

-Not a doctor, nor trained in medical gabbligook-

Right? I take too deep of a breath and end up with stretch marks.

Yep, in case anyone reading doesn't know how to tell, if the pregnant lady gained a lot of weight her appendages would be similar sizes.

In case anyone wants to know if it's their business how much weight a pregnant has gained, if you aren't her doctor or partner concerned with her health, then it isn't ANY of your

Yes, gaining large amounts of weight does increase the chances for g. diabetes, but like every medical condition, it's more complicated than that. Plus, gaining weight can be a symptom of something else instead of just a cause. Pregnancy is no where near as simple as the media (or women who had fairly easy

If that isn't photoshopped, then that's most likely a multiple pregnancy.

couldn't find a stock picture of a black woman's hands behind bar, Jezebel?

I'm more offended by Koala Swim's mid '90s website than any of their penis holders.

I personally prefer Chris Pratt over non-Chris Pratt.

I have a sneaking suspicion that these won't come in the size 40H, so I'm outta luck unless I plan to DIY them.

Nope. Nope. I thought everyone agreed to quit mention that post. STOP MAKING ME REMEMBER!!!

it is extremely rare — if not non-existent — for a woman to have an abortion because the pregnancy posed a risk to her life.

It's a real problem. We should come up with a viral marketing campaign to bring attention to the lack of child-friendly beers.

It is actually possible to have allergies to the capsaicin in peppers. My grandfather is very allergic to it, like pepper flakes used to season (but you can't actually taste it, think a sweet spaghetti sauce) can make him sweat, and turn red and puffy.