
That sucks. I didn’t even go to my own sister’s destination wedding (new baby, minimum 3 planes involved, raving post-partum depression) and I got off scot free. People are so weird.

OMG YESSSS!!! I was nauseated for the duration of both of my pregnancies, and attempting to hold down a full time job both times too, and thusly our home was a shithole both times, because DH couldn’t seem to figure out how to do everything I always did before. I was really kind of (or maybe completely) an asshole

Wow. You know nothing of an average GYN visit for (especially) a youngish person (I mean of not menopausal age). I’ve always been privileged enough to go to good doctors, and not once was blood work required in order for them to prescribe appropriate bc pills. GYNs don’t look at cholesterol levels as a rule, that’s

Ok, kinda embarrassed to admit it, but I love the Donny Osmond singing in Mulan. I’m a Disney nut, and when “I’ll Make a Man Out of You” comes on in my random playlist stuff, I’m singing at the top of my lungs.

That’s actually not so. Women and men in these polygamist cults (I would call them cults, maybe someone has a better word) are pressured/coerced into entering these marriages sometimes